King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

Tke Criticism of a Chinese Student on False Teaching in China F rom “The W estern Recorder” SHE editor of ‘‘The W estern Recorder,” in com­ menting on th e following article, says: ‘‘Mr. Ding Ihas won his degree in the Georgetown College of IKentucky, and is now a studen t in th e Louisville Seminary. When he finishes his course there, he plans to go back to China as a flaming evangelist.” Due to th e lim itation of space, I will confine my dis­ cussion to the religious relation s between th e people of the United States and those of China. The Agnostics make our whole Christianity an enigma, and th e N atu ralists reduce our Lord Christ to a mere man. W ith all my m ight, I do deprecate both of these obnoxious teachings. They are d etrim ental both to our national existence in China, and to th e plan of th e salvation of our Lord Christ. Some of these treacherous people have invaded our Lord’s kingdom in China. I am not try ing to disappoint our friends here, b u t I am simply urging them to beware of th e Agnostics and N aturalists. Why? China is flooded with, and deluded by, all kinds of theories and philosophies. During th e tim e of peace they inculcate mere education and the theory of democracy fo r our national home. But our only hope is Christ. They don’t deny Christianity. B u t they only teach Christ as a n example. They belittle our Lord an d cause others to do th e same. The fallacy and aw ful resu lts of th e ir theories will be revealed when n atio n al or in te rn atio n a l difficulties confront us. Why? “Struggle for existence” and “ survival of the fittest” are th e ir beliefs. Therefore, when th e people of th e ir country are exploiting us, these theo rists intentionally keep silent. W ith them , selfishness outweighs th e love of Christ. I have closely observed th a t those who are most in terested in politics are those who believe in th e above theories. Of course th ere are a few exceptions. I have heard a few m issionaries actually say th a t they believed it would be best for China to let P residen t Wilson tak e charge of the Chinese government, manage it, and then hand it back to China. Yes, it m ight be tru e. But, a fte r all, I believe all nations are egotistic; and as well as others th e Chinese people love sovereignty. These theo rists thw art, to a very g reat degree, th e ex­ tension of our Lord’s Kingdom and purposes in th e world. Their policy is to preach whatever they can prove by science. Consequently they never touch th e deep doctrinal teachings, such as the person of Christ, th e atonem ent of His blood, etc. One teacher told me, “Never preach the thing th a t you cannot prove.” One of th e ir argum ents is th a t some Chinese people have believed th e ir teachings and have been baptized. Moreover, they say th a t th e Chinese accept th e ir teachings more readily. Yes, some probably do; b u t I fe a r they have n o t been ta u g h t otherw ise. StUl, th is credulity does n o t give these false teachings validity. W ith a h ea rt of burning zeal, I declare to th e people of China, to the Chinese people in th e United States, and to th e Christian people of America, beware of th e Agnostics and N aturalists. I hope the Chinese people will not be puzzled by th e di­ versity of preaching. The Agnostics and N atu ralists .are Beware of th e Agnostics and N atu ralists B. S. Ding (Chinese S tudent)

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