King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

anti-Christs. They existed in th e New T estam ent times. They are not new. The tru th is, th e revealed word of God has always trium phed over them . Therefore, my beloved Chinese people, these anti-Christs are not th e tru e friends of China. But those who are usually silent in politics, and active in preaching th e gospel, are th e rea l lovers and friends of China. If the Chinese people are to be converted, who could estim ate th e ir power and th e ir service in th e world and in th e Kingdom of God? Some universities and denom inations in th e United States a re try in g to in je ct th e poison of th ese teachings in to th e m inds of our Chinese stud en ts. And th e ho rrib le th in g is th a t some have credulously accepted it. I deem it a shame fo r o u r Chinese students, a fte r staying in th e United States fo r a sh o rt while, to th row away o u r h isto rical philosophies, an d in exchange subm it to a foreign Jesu s as a m ere man. W hat is th e motive? The answer is beyond me. A friend told me of a Chinese student, who had been in th e United States for only about a year. He had never heard th e gospel very much in China. He became a so-called Christian, b u t refused to join a B aptist church because he did not believe in the resurrection of Christ. Consequently he became a member of a church th a t did not advocate th e resurrection. I ask, w hat can he w itness fo r Jesus when he re tu rn s to China? I would like to say, th a t those who are most pow­ erful w itnesses fo r Christ are those who do not doubt. Still I do wonder w h at th e idea is for these American friends to teach and lead anybody in th is false way. W hat will be th e resu lt of these teachings if accepted? The answer is too aw ful to u tter. As a defender of our Lord’s kingdom, I would like to suggest, th a t it would be best for China fo r these church people to recall th e ir m issionaries who believe these theories, and not send any more of such. We need tru th , not falsity. We need Christ, and not man­ made theories about Christ. We don’t need Christless education, b u t we do need Him who died fo r us. I beseech you in th e nam e of ou r Lord Jesu s Christ, be­ fo re you send any more m issionaries, to exam ine th e ir be­ liefs thoroughly. We need tru e helpers. Souls are perish ­ ing. “The h arv est indeed is plenteous, b u t th e laborers are few.” Come, and come w ith an humble sp irit and w ith Christ our Lord alone. “Come over . . and help u s.” T H E ON E W O R K W hat we do for Christ is nothing; w hat Christ did for us is everything. Our works do not ju stify us before God; Christ’s work presents us holy and w ithout blemish and unreprovable before Him. Much of the present-day Chris­ tianity, by emphasizing th e former, makes void th e latter. Not charity-works; not evangelical works; not various and miscellaneous works connected w ith these works; b u t the life and death of Christ; especially His vicarious death upon the cross; th a t it is th a t is our work and our salvation. Compared w ith th is work, all o th er works cannot be called works. Believing in th is work and looking up into it and tru stin g it, our other works bear fru it. R igh t and tru e it is as P aul said: “I determ ined not to know any­ thing among you, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” W ith Paul, Christ’s work fo; him was his only work.— Sel. Ife

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