King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT—THE WAY TO BE WISE “ If any m an among you seemeth, to be w ise in th is age, let him become a fool th a t h e may be w ise.” * It is tru e th a t th e above saying of God is lim ited to Chris­ tian believers, for it says “ any man among you.” But if a believer credits him self foolishly w ith wisdom, how much become a fool to do so. How shall a man become a fool? Is th e re anything more foolish, according to world standards, th a n for a man to believe th a t th e blood of Jesus Christ shed on Calvary two thousand years ago cleanseth him now from all sin? T h at certainly is a fool’s job, and God says become th a t so rt of a fool and you will be wise, and continue th a t so rt of fool, believing every day, and you will be wiser. F o r God says elsewhere th a t th e foolishness of God is wiser th an men. If God tells a man to be th e kind of a fool th a t I have ju st outlined, he will find, if he obeys, th a t w hat he had though t was God’s foolishness was really the beginning of tru e wisdom. *1 Cor. 3:18. Copyright, 1920— J. A. R. more foolish is it for an unbeliever to do so. How, then, shall any man become wise? God says WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT—WISDOM “The world by wisdom knew no t God.” * Yes, and the more worldly wisdom and education a man gets independently of God th e more increasingly he knows not God. And yet such a man will stand up and assert th a t th is very thing, education and wisdom, is bringing him to a position where he understands God b etter every day,— understands Him so well th a t he can decide what He did and did not say in His book,—-w h a t ought and ought not to be there. But still, what God says stands and th e d ark est h earts in the world today are those whose very ligh t is darkness, IB-who see so clearly th a t they do not see God a t all,— for sp iritual things and sp iritu al beings are spiritually dis­ cerned. The only way to know God is by believing all th a t Jesus did, beginning w ith His death for our salvation. F o r if Jesus did not die and rise again for us, He is a liar and His teachings are not worth shucks, b u t if He did, and we believe it, then ligh t breaks in on our souls and we know God. And to know Him is life eternal, and if we have eternal life th e re ’s plenty of tim e to gath er tru e wis­ dom from fellowship w ith Him. *1 Cor. 1:21. Copyright. 1920— J. A. R. Note: The above is from the pen of a beloved brother- in-the-Lord in New York who, when he speaks, generally says s o m e th in g -le t us listen. We hope to have something from him each month—■ watch for it!

P ositive Message Books The Menace of Immorality in Church and State By Jo h n R oach S tra to n , D. D. D r. S tra to n speaks stra ig h t from th e shoulder about vulgar, sensual dance«, th e in d ecen t half-dress of wom en, th e gam bling m ania, th e lu rid p ic tu re show s a n d th e ­ a tre s a n d th e u tte r c o rru p tio n of ch u rch es th a t have taken m any of these things into th e ir re g u la r pro g raih s. H is unm asking of these evils is m erciless a n d his d e­ n u n ciation of them is scorching. Cloth» $1.75 The Devil in Modem Society By Jam es Will ian< L ow ber D r. L ow ber p o rtra y s in vivid fashion the c h a ra c te r an d consequences of o u r m odern social paganism . H e deals w ith Gam bling, th e D ance, P ro fan ity , th e T h ea tre , Mam - m onism a n d o th er p re v alen t social evils. H is w o rk is a signboard w hich should 'e in the hands of every y o u n g m an and y oung w om an d ic in g th e days w hen th ey a re p eculiarly su b ject to the tem p tatio n s of th e fast society life of th e p re se n t day. C loth, $1 .5 0 The World and Its God By P hilip M auro W e so often h e a r it said, “God is in H is heavens and all is well w ith the world.** T h e p eople a cc ep t it as tru e — believe it because th ey have n ev er h e ard th e tru th of it questioned an d refuted. T h a t is w hy this little book is such a n eye o p en er to m any— yes, to m ost c h u rch m enfbers. C loth, 7 5 c ; P a p e r, 35c The World’s Greatest Need By T . E. H . Jones T ells th e old, old sto ry of salvation th ro u g h faith in C hrist Jesus, b u t tells it in an entirely new w ay. T h e questions dealt w ith a re of vital in te rest to every hum an being. T h e ir tre a tm e n t is illum inating, en thralling, p e r­ suading. A ll th rough, this volum e tingles w ith spiritual ferv o u r and strong, s'ound comm on sense. It fascinates a n d fills w ith re v eren t delight. E ach c h a p te r teem s w ith telling illustrations, an d com pels you to read on to the last w ord. T h e re is n o t a dull p ag e in it. Ju st the book you need to p u t in to th e hands of intellectual u n ­ believers. C loth, $2 .0 0 Scientific Christian Thinking for Young People By H ow ard A gnew Jo h n so n A book th a t ad eq u ately an d sym pathetically m eets the grow ing dem and am ong y o u n g people for intellectual sanction fo r C h ristian life, and service. “New light on several scientific questions has been d isco v ered in these first y e ars of th e tw entieth cen tu ry . In this new light som e of th e th eo ries w hich dom inated th e thin k in g w orld for th e last th ird of th e last cen tu ry a re proved no lo n g er tenable. T his new light p o in ts in th e d irection of God’s relatio n to m en and th e w orld as b eing m ore direct an d imm ediate th an w as in ferred w hen th e evolution theories w ere supposed to b e correct.** Ju st th e book you need to m eet th e needs of y our young people. C loth, $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, fo o d s will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 10% fo r postage.

B I O L A BOOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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