King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


ASHAMED OF JESUS? Under the heading, ‘‘Is Christian F a ith W orth Defend­ ing ?” th e editor of The W estern Recorder (Southern Bap­ tist) presents a challenge to Bible-loving Christians th a t should lead all to self-exam ination: “To our thinking, the most astu te and th e most effective job th a t was done by the enemies of tru e faith was th e public discredit which they succeeded in throw ing upon doctrinal Christianity, and upon th a t fine honesty and de­ votion which led exactly the best men and women in the nation to come to the defense of revealed faith against the pretentious boasting of false philosophy. Take a look a t the present public attitude. Consider th e average daily paper, popular magazine or ‘n ational’ weekly. Politics, economics, social life, agriculture, banking, railroading— IS anything th a t touches th is present life and its in terests is considered a subject on which it is fit for men to have and express positive convictions, regardless of agreement or disagreement. But these same voices of public opinion, so soon as it is a m a tte r of m an’e sp iritu al life and his etern al interests, w ith wonderful unanim ity, cry down all definite convictions as narrow , and exalt as praise­ worthy latitud inarian ism and inv erterb rate sentimentalism , instead o f an Honest and concerted effort to understand what historic Christianity is, and to live up to it and teach it to others. Where the cross of the redeem ing Christ is in question, avoid advocacy; where worldly in terests are involved, stand for your opinions! T raito rou s!” The Christian S tandard adds: “How long will obedient believers by th e ir silence and indifference, when the Christ him self is assailed and the Scriptures th a t divinely revealed him are to rn to shreds, refuge to confess his name? If we are no t ashamed of him, if we count not more th e u n ju st criticism of the worldly than our loyalty to him, we shall arouse ourselves from our lethargy, and, standing four-square to every wind of doubt, proclaim the precious gospel as alone th e power of God unto salvation.” Our Lord adds, “Whosoever shall deny me before men, him shall I deny before my F ath e r who is in heaven.” The test of a loyal h ea rt is its attitu d e and action in th e time of storm and attack. The salvation by Christ is very vigorously and persistently attacked. “Who is on the Lord’s side?” D O N ’T F O R G E T ! that the cover pages contain matters of special interest to You!

Unusually Good Books üïï Biola’s Own Presses God’s Best Secrets By A ndrew M u rray If th ere ever w as a m an since th e days of th e A postle P aul w ho has dw elt in th e se c re t p lace of th e Most H igh w h ere h e could an d did le a rn God’s Best Secrets, th a t m an w as A n d rew M urray. A n d he is giving us eight of these best secrets in this book,— T h e S ecret of A d o ra ­ tion, T h e S ecret of th e A biding P resence, T h e F a ith Life, T h e S ecret of Fellow ship, T he S ecret of Inspiration, T h e S ecret of Intercession, and T h e S ecret of U nited P ra y e r. W ritten in th e last day s of his long and useful life, this book b rin g s his very last w ord to the C h ristian C hurch. T he book is m ade u p of eight sections, each containing th irty -o n e sh o rt c h ap ters. E ach c h a p te r has a S crip­ tu re heading so th a t it is p a rticu la rly helpful w hen used fo r daily m editation. C loth, $2 .0 0 In the Twinkling of an Eye By Sydney W atson Scarlet and Purple By Sydney W atson

T his book should speak to th e h e arts of m any who, living in a so-called C hris­ tian land an d surrounded by C hristian influences, have yet failed to settle definitely th e question of th e ir own personal salvation. The de­ lineation of tru e C hristian c h arac te r will appeal to the read er an d enhance his in ­ te re st in the sto ry , an d he him self will be* b ro u g h t face to face w ith th e necessity of a definite accep tan ce of C hrist if he w ould find peace and salvation. Cloth, $1.25

T his is an in te re stin g sto ry in w hich th e blessed tru th of th e im m inent re tu rn of C hrist is set fo rth in such a w ay as b o th to convince the read er an d to inspire in him a deeper love of, and desire for, th e L ord’s a p ­ pearing. M any doubtless will welcome th e o p p o rtu n ity to learn from a book of th is kind th e Bible teaching co n ­ cerning th is g re a t doctrine. Those for w hom th is su b ­ ject h as h ith erto held little in terest, o r by w hom it h as been contem plated w ith a sense of fear, will derive g reat blessing from a peru- sal of th e story. Cteth, $1.28

Matthews’ Gospel Self Interpreted By K eith L. B rooks

A larg e p a rt of this verse b y verse com m en tary is to b e w ritten by th e stu d en t w ith th e help of th e S crip­ tu res them selves. T h e S pirit of God is th e safest teach er of the W ord and th e W ord itself is its own b est com ­ m entary. T hese studies will serve to deliver th e re ad e r from m any stra n g e notions of m en an d en able him to find in M atthew ’s Gospel a book p u lsatin g w ith practical helpfulness for everyday life. 5 0 cents. The Conflict rhe Mark of the Beast By Sydney W atson

By M iss E lizabeth K nauss T his is th e book of the h o u r fo r everyone who is in any w ay in terested in the conflict betw een th e M od­ ern ist w ing of the C hurch and those who hold fa st to the g re a t fundam ental doc­ trin es of th e C hristian re ­ ligion. “The Conflict** tells th e sto ry in sto ry form— a real live sto ry e n te rta in ­ in g from beginning to end— and very helpful. Y ou will w an t a t le a st one copy for yourself and one fo r .your p a sto r. O rder a t once and p u t in circu latio n in your comm unity. Cloth, $1.25

A com panion volum e to “ In the Tw inkling of an Eye,” th is book p ictu res th e ho rro rs to com e upon earth during th e tim e of th e G reat T ribulation w hich will follow the ra p tu re of th e sain ts. It cannot fail to excite th e d e­ term in atio n to escape th is period of an g u ish a n d u n ­ restrain ed w ickedness, an d to be am ong th o se w ho shall be cau g h t up to be forever w ith th e Lord. Cloth, $1.25

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B I OL A BOOK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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