King's Business - 1923-10


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

been done in some of our universities and other schools is now bearing fruit in our own country.” We want to add to these statements another Government finding. There are in the United States now 50,000,000 inhabitants under 21 years of age. Now take the 46% per cent of our population which the Government says could not be relied upon to help defend our nation, but are antagonistic to its rule,—add to it those of this 50,000,000 who will come to voting age during the next ten years, and what will the pros­ pect be,—remembering that there is no touch of the Bible upon the hearts and lives of these young people in our public schools but, on the contrary, much of adverse criticism, and that a large part of them never attend church or Sunday School? We appeal to you to carefully consider these astound­ ing facts and pray and labor as never before for a revived church. TURNING THE TIDE The tide is coming in. The tide is strong. It is against God ; it is against the Bible ; it is against the Church ; it is against authority ; it is against morality; it is against civilization. The sweep of this tide in our land is tremend­ ous. It has gathered force so rapidly that it almost staggers one to contemplate the power of its surging waves. What can we do ? The shores are lined with children—innocent, unaware. Young people are playing their games. Students are pleasantly picnicing on the sand. Men and women are oc­ cupied in the pursuit of pleasure. Even the church is there—feeding, feasting, having a good time, selfishly rejoicing in her safety. But—the tide is coming in! We can see it! We have been up in the watch tower, with God’s glasses, and looking out! We can see it! We had read a prophecy of such a tide. We believed it would come some time, but not in our day. But there it is—a great tidal wave! What can we do? Can the tide be diverted? Can it be stemmed? Can we erect a breakwater against it? We must do something- Who will help? The Church must be warned. It seems a pity to break in upon their delightful, self-satisfied, selfish pleasure, but we must remind them that they are God’s watchmen, His life-guards, and it is their business to warn of danger. We must take the children to a place of safety! We must tell the boys and girls to follow! We must sound the alarm along the shore ! We must urge all of God’s prophets and preach­ ers to lay off with the fairy tales and pretty poems and sound out the story of the Cross. We must recognize fully that every man and woman who denies God’s Word—whether in the church or in the world—is an enemy, and we must reprove, rebuke and warn, as we see the day ap­ proaching. We must put our hearts, our souls, our means into this movement. The tide is on! Thé night comes! May God hear our cry and help us to DO IT NOW!

America Federation,” presents some facts of such vital interest that we are presenting them to our readers: A Problem “ The bane of civilization has always been racial im­ poverishment.' How to deal with this is a most serious problem now confronting the American people. Our population, composed of one hundred and ten millions, is roughly graded as superiors, intermediates and in­ feriors. The superiors represent 13% per cent, or 1,485,000. Merging into this superior rank are 4% per cent, graded as talented, thus making 5,985,000 upon whom, according to the inevitable action of natural law, devolves the burden of intellectual and moral leadership. Of the intermediate and inferior groups, 40 per cent compose the former and 46% per cent the latter. The conservation of law and order may be safely entrusted to the sturdy common sense and loyalty of the millions who form the 40 per cent of our citizenry. These added to the 13% represents 53% per cent who are facing the menace of the 46% per cent wherein lies our greatest danger. These facts are not pleasant to contemplate. They are based upon the statistics on file in the war office as a result of the exhaustive findings of the draft; but the time has come when they must be considered seriously. We have the anomaly presented of a host, equal to nearly one-half our population, composed of the in­ capable, the envious, the discontented, the criminal, who are filled with hatred against civilization and progress, and ready to rise in revolt. They are led by a group of implacable and desperate men, who nat­ urally belong in the superior grade, but who have abandoned it because they think they see in the Soviet revolt against civilization, the opportunity to overturn and obtain control of this government. They are the ones to be deal,t with summarily. They are the high grade deficients of the Benedict Arnold type. De­ prived of their leadership, the ground swell of revolt would very quickly disappear.” (Do not fail to note that these are facts not fancies, compiled by our Government authorities.) Communism vs. Religion “ Whether clergy or layman, whether religiously in­ clined or just moralists, the sentiment not alone of America but of other nations should be aroused by the statement coming from Moscow that the English, American, German, Russian, and other delegates of the Executive Committee of the Third Internationale are agreed ‘that the Communists must destroy religion and bring the world to a basis of scientific, materialism, which includes unconditionally the propagation of atheism. Indisputable evidences have been furnished by literature and speakers in this country, as elsewhere, that these groups are advocating the abolishment of Christianity as the first step in the overthrow of civil­ ization, upon the ruins of which they expect to erect the world empire of the Proletariat. One of the tragedies of it is that even in this country, among the number who are giving sympathy to the Soviets of Moscow, are clergymen who preach the Gospel on Sundays and assist in the promotion of Sovietism during the week. This reflection upon some members of the ministry we know to be true, and the seed-sowing which has

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