King's Business - 1923-10

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S P 5 g 5 g ^ g g W q s S ? q ? W g 5 m .1g S S lS?5?5gg5Sgg.5g5g5BB5g5g5g5Bg5?g5?5H5E5g5g5g5g5a5BSaSgB5HSgSe5E5g5g5H5H5g5i1S!5ï5E5g5g5H5g5Z5g5g5i!5g5H5g5g5g5g525B5E5g5gSag C o n t r i . d u t e c A r t i e . e s n fa faaafaa D25H5E5H5H5H5RW,ìH‘ì?_q?>^Wlq?q?qpq?qP5R5S5E5PIP,^^^,ì?q?,ì?SH5H5H5a5H5E525a525H5H5H5H5H5H5E5H5255a5HS25E5H5H5Eb'd5HbibiIbiic!Ii'dhd5HS25P5HSH5H5H525H525H525H5E^§gSa5H5H5cJ So^ i e t i z i ng t ke St a t e Tk r o u g k t ke Sckool s By Dr. W. B. Riley Executive Secretary of the World’s Fundamental Association


A Warning to the American People Against the Menace of the Atheistic, Anarchistic and Inhuman P ropaganda of Socialism and Bolshevism in our Schools.

and confidence th e Russian Soviet Republic. The Pennsyl­ vania S tate Socialist Convention cabled to Lenin and his cabinet, “Your achievement is our in sp iration .” There are hundreds of papers being published in America today th a t have one objective, and one only, and th a t is Soviet­ ism; and th ere are thousands of professors in th e Universi­ ties of th is country whose w ritings and teachings alike are a deliberate attem p t to pu t over th is same Soviet program in th e States. In America th ese Soviet em issaries a re a m ultitude. The m ajority of the leaders have had eith er th e ir en tire course, or th e ir post-graduate work, in German universities. They have brough t back from these infidel centers a m aterialistic philosophy th a t knows no o th er god th a n N ature. P an th e­ ism is th e ir only theism ; and by th a t they do not mean a personal God, manifesting Himself in facts and forms, bu t an unconscious and blind force a t work, no t only in th e world b u t in the universe, the general direction of which follows th e law of Darw in’s suggestion, and knows neither Divine control nor Deity-existence. The A ttorney General of New York affirms th a t th e secret agents of Lenin are found in (h a t State, backed by a fund of $500,000 to be used for propaganda purposes. These agents have been circularizing in shops and factories, and many secret meetings were held, culm inating in an open session of th ree days in th e Lyceum building. The chief purpose of th is convention was said to be to absorb into the Bolshevik movement members of th e I. W. W., all an arch ­ ists and radical socialists. At th e D epartm ent of Justice at W ashington, it was adm itted th a t a code index of more th an two thousand red ag itato rs existed in Chicago, Philadelphia and o ther large centers. While they have dared, even under th e eaves of the W ashington Capitol, to hold th e ir open meeting and arden tly affirm th eir plan to overthrow th e present democ­ racy and bring in the Russian regime, leading Senator Thomas to declare,: ‘.‘our Democracy is : in g reater danger today from th e forces let loose in Russia, th a n it was when Germany took up arm s against G reat B ritain and F ran ce,” and Senator Weeks to insist th a t “th e Ameri­ can people do not understand th a t th e real purpose behind th is propaganda is th e overthrow of th e ir Government, and un til they do understand, it cannot be stamped ou t.” Surreptitious Methods The m ethod of th e Sovietist is as su rrep titiou s as his object is sinful. In Russia, having captured control, he fights in th e open, and brazenly demands of th e w orld’s nations recognition, bu t in all countries where a strong

“The preaching of th e cross is to them th a t perish, foolishness.’’ (1 Cor. 1:18.) ■ regard th is as the most Im po rtan t subject now Nellermoe’s Bill presented to th e Minnesota House of R epresentatives in F eb ru ary ,’ 1923, was a deliberate, even open attem p t to Sovietize th e University of Minnesota, knowing full well th e final social and political effect of poisoning th is educational fountain; and it is no t forgotten th a t th a t bill died on general orders by th e narrow margin of a single vote, 62 to 61; and th a t b u t for th e intellectual ability and moral convictions of one man it m ight be the law of th a t commonwealth a t th is moment. There are those among us who do n o t believe th a t this: propaganda is making progress in our midst. Such men are either ignorant of modern movements, or w ilfully indiffer­ en t to th e evidences about us. Lenin, himself, speaking in Moscow, said, “The power th a t has crushed Germany is also th e power th a t will in th e end crush England and the United S tates.” And th a t power is planting its dynam ite at many American points, placing its largest charges a t our educational centers, and calmly w aiting th e tim e when it can ligh t th e Darwin fuse and w itness th e demolition.: Henry Campbell Black, in his notable address on “The Menace w ithout our Gates,” or “Bolshevism’s A ssault upon American Government,” rem inded us of how th is move­ ment has made its power felt in every p a rt of th e world; in Roumania, and all the Baltic Provinces; in Switzerland, w here it created a high breed of in trigu e; in Portugal, where recent outbreaks were th e consequence; in Scandi­ navia, where kings found it difficult to cling to th e ir thrones; in Finland, where it has fru ited in th e foulest way; in Den­ mark, where though less successful, it is both aggressive and confident; not to mention its ravages in Germany, its rise in France, its recent successes in England, and finally, its increasing powers in America. The I. W. W. has long represented th is sentim ent here and new organizations, under varied names, are now giving more concrete form to it. The S tate Socialist Convention in Illinois a while ago demanded th a t th e American Govern­ ment should recognize th e Bolsheviki of Russia. The State Socialist Convention in Minnesota adopted resolutions en­ dorsing th e policies of the Bolsheviki in Russia, and th e S tate Socialistic Convention in New York greeted w ith joy

before th e world fo r consideration. I realize the app aren t extravagance of th u s describing any single subject, b u t you may be my judge as I unfold th is theme— “Sovietizing the S tate th rough our schools.”

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