Get visible online and attract clients to you, don't chase them! Offer great content, include call-to-actions to ensure your followers engage, and grow your business.
Ky l i e Mowb r a y - A l l en
Whoop whoop! Your next month (and more) is sorted!
Hi, I’m Kylie and I build brands!
I help your business get visible online, and simplify your digital marketing so you can grow your business.
I work with you in workshops, 1:1’s, webinars, masterclasses, coaching & more!
Thank you! I'm stoked you've taken the time to download my MAGIC GUIDE ~ 33 social media content ideas to help your business posts in 2021 ~ which I've put together specifically to make you look RAD! I know it's so hard coming up with content every. single. day! So, I've created this MAGIC GUIDE so that you can save hundreds of hours of your own time coming up with great content to reach your ideal audience and attract new customers and clients.
Enjoy following these steps!
Kylie Mowbray-Allen
33 content ideas for your socials
Introduce yourself to your audience Go live ~ share your superpower statement! Share your latest blog post on your socials Share popular content from a reputable source - gives you credibility! Share a testimonial or review Promote your newsletter & get sign ups! Promote your other social profiles Run a contest or giveaway ~
33 content ideas for your socials
Run a special or discount for a finite period of time. Share a before and after. Make a funny meme or create a gif! Go live ~ give a tip & show your expertise! Go live ~ what's happening behind the scenes? Sneak peek of what you're working on Create a flat lay or styled image Share a live ~ video announcement about something cool that's just around the corner ~
33 content ideas for your socials
Photo story ~ exploring your town/work space/surrounds Inspirational quote (recreate this as a
graphic with your branding) Use user-generated-content @mention a follower Create a highlight #favefollows @mention a page Thank your followers Share a relevant industry article ~
33 content ideas for your socials
Share a relevant industry fact Share your favourite podcast Go live - share a time-saving tip
Share your favourite tool, software or app Share your favourite product or service Share your favorite author Trending topic or news event Go live ~ give a glimpse into life behind the scenes Repurpose old content ~
33 content ideas for your socials
Y e e h a a !
Now that you've got those 33 ideas above, you'll be able to expand on these and have months of prepared content! ~
T e s t i m o n i a l s
We just love what we do, and our clients love us for that! ~
Want more?
Help! I don't know how!
It's time to get you visible online!
book your free discovery call with Kylie Mowbray-Allen
Hello Media ~ Digital Marketing Coach
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