Biola Broadcaster - 1967-05

dares that a Christian will not let sin be the practice or the norm for his life. A certain fellow received Jesus Christ as Saviour, and quite naturally wanted to join the church. He was asked for his testimony. The deacons inquired, “Do you know that you were a sinner before you came to Christ?” He readily admitted that he was. One continued, “And how about now?” To this the young man’s ready and apt reply was, “Oh, I ’m still a sinner, but you see, before I was a sinner running after sin, but now, I ’m a sinner running away from sin!” This is exactly what David’s talking about. He prayed, “Don’t let sin have dominion over me; let it not rule my life.” Finally, to complete our study of the 19th Psalm, there is this beauti­ ful paean of praise and practical benediction which comes into focus, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be accept­ able in thy sight, 0 Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” You see, we need to pray earnestly the 19th Psalm in the fullness of our hearts so that we won’t have to write the 51st, in which David had to pray, “Create in me a clean heart, 0 God, and renew a right spirit within me.” The problem is that while the words are right, the practical application is lacking. He is saying, “Let the words of my mouth be in accordance with the way I think in my heart.” To­ day it’s unfortunate there are many who have the Lord on their lips but the world in their hearts. Sir Isaac Newton declared, “I can take my telescope and look millions and millions of miles into space, but I can lay it aside, go into my room, shut the door, get down on my knees in earnest prayer, and see more of heaven and get closer to God than I can assisted by all the telescopes in the world.” What are the meditations of your heart? On what do you feast and dwell? Years ago, in a little province of Spain known as Segovia, a large

reservoir had been constructed cen­ turies ago. It contained the water supply for the community. Built only with mud, it stood as an architectur­ al masterpiece for the area. Later, civic leaders, recognizing its histori- D O N 'T B E A F O O L You say you don't believe in God, The Bible is untrue; That Jesus wasn't virgin-born, He never died for you. Suppose you're wrong, how will you feel, For all the things you've said. For ev'ry time you've cursed His name, And for the life you've led? You're mighty small to challenge God, I think you will agree. When He had made the moon and stars. The sun, the worlds, the sea. And you stand back to criticize, And say you don't believe; I wonder what the Lord must think, And how His heart must grieve. You'd better start to mend your ways Before it is too late; Or some day you'll wake up in Hell (That's the Bible, plain and straight), And there throughout eternity. You'll weep both night and day. To think you let the chance go by, And Heaven slip away. So why not stop your unbelief, And give the Lord your heart? Repent today of all your sin. For Heaven make a start. And then you'll find His peace and rest, And joy you never knew; When you believe that Jesus died On Calvary for you. — Walt Huntly cal value, decided to take steps to preserve the reservoir for all pos­ terity. They planned to have it emp­ tied, then cement it in, reconstruct­ ing it as needed, so that it would have permanence (although it had

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