You may fe e l you can’t run to J e m s because you can’t even walk. To you the L ord commands, “T ake up thy bed.” He gives you the pow er to go fo rth in spiritual victory. You see, the B ible tells us that His strength is made p erfect in weakness. So, regardless o f your position and problems, your fea rs and forebodings, turn to the Saviour. H e’ll give you that p erfect strength with enablement to move forw ard vic toriously fo r His own honor and glory. * * * No one can possibly enjoy communion with God and then go where the Lord doesn't go. * * * GLORY IN THE UNSEEN A gardener planted a flow er bush beside the w all o f his home. Tenderly he cared fo r it, with water, fertilizer and attention day by day. Still, it bore no flow ers. Then, one day, he noticed a beau tiful bud peeping over the other side o f the wall. This discovery re vealed that the plant’s roots hud pene trated under the wall and the bush was blooming luxuriantly on the other side. What a beau tiful rem inder that our labor is not in vain in the L ord ! We may not always see the results we have expected yet God’s Word unll not return to H im void. Isaiah encourages our hearts with the inspired confidence, “In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” In the L ord’s divine knowledge He delights to go beyond our lim ited requests and thoughts, doing fo r us that which is lasting ra th er than m erely temporal. His pow er working in us will give strength sufficient fo r every need and task. Paul declared “Most gladly will I th erefore glory in my infirm ities that the pow er o f Christ may rest upon me.” • It is better to be bent by hard work than to be crooked in trying to avoid it. * * * SEEDS OF REVOLUTION As one thinks about the fu tu re, he cannot but be made supremely aware o f the fa c t that we seem to be perched precariously on the threshold o f politi cal, moral, economical, and spiritual revolution. Dr. S tefan Possoni, who is the director o f International Political Studies at S tan ford University’s Hoov * *
er Institution, has sounded a clear alarm by declaring “I f you study the record o f p ast revolutions, you wiU find in the period b efore them many o f the phenomena occurring in the United S tates today.” H e listed three o f the most significant which have been a p art o f previous human upheavals where governments and nations have changed: first, increased crime r a tes ; second, loosened sexual m orals; third, weakening fam ily ties. Dr. Possoni went on to declare, “Things that would have raised the ro o f twenty years earlier are considered p erfectly accept able in the pre-revolutionary period. This is clearly true in the United S tates today.” What a prophetic pic ture o f truth! Did you see the cartoon in one o f our national magazines o f the man’s parading by the window o f the Central Intelligence Agency carry ing a p lacard reading, “P rep are to meet thy God. Doomsday may be to morrow”? Looking out o f the window, two o f the authorities exchanged blank stares in horror, asking, “Where did he get •that information? That’s top level secret.” We may be n earer to the end than most people realize. The man o f the world would be filled with fea r, but as fo r the Christians, it only causes us to lift up our heads, knowing that our redemption surely draweth nigh. “Even so, come, L ord Jesus." ANSWERED PRAYER The Word o f God gives v s a very carefu l delineation o f the way in which we are to pray. The Saviour H im self rem inded us that we are not to use vain repetitions. A recent issue o f the National Geographic showed color pho tographs o f the Oriental p ray er wheels, which have been used fo r many g en erations. P ray ers are fasten ed to the wheel which is then made to revolve by means o f a hand mechanism or by twirling it around. Interestingly, the Sherpas n ear the H imalayan Moun tains turn giant p ray er wheels by wa ter power. It seems that m od em tech nology h a8 invaded even the realm o f religion. We are not to think that God * * * Train up go, and then be sure to go that way yourself. * * *
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