o f such a wonderful nature that no man can fa il to be interested. 1. It is a mutual benefit association. E very policy holder is given a joint in terest in the company. They share its profits — literally becoming heirs o f all its wealth. 2. This policy provides an unlimited drawing account through life. The checks are issued on the B an k o f Heaven. 3. You are insured against ship wreck in the River o f D eath — John 11:25. U. You are insured again st any loss whatsoever in the Judgm ent Day F ire (Rom. 8 :1 ). 5. I t provides eternal inheritance. 6. I t is irrevocable and non-forfeit- able (Rom. 8:38-39). 7. The prem ium is paid fo r time and eternity, purchased by the B lood o f the Lamb. It cannot be earned or deserved. Remarkably, it is a fr e e g ift! Will you apply fo r one o f our poli cies? We hope you will! * * * Men may make riches; however, riches will never make a man. BIOLA CHORALE IT INERARY (continued from page 2) MAY 2nd First Baptist Church Ashland, Oregon MAY 3rd River Road Baptist Church Eugene, Oregon MAY 4th North Albany Baptist Albany, Oregon MAY 5th First Baptist Church Corvallis, Oregon MAY 7th Alliance Tabernacle Vancouver 10, B.C., Canada MAY 8th Central Heights Mennonite Brethren Abbottsford, B.C., Canada MAY 9th Geneva Community Church Bellingham, Washington MAY 10th
hears and answers as a resu lt o f our much speaking or because o f vain repetitions. The Bible assures us that whatsoever we ask in the name o f our Saviour, that God will do, so that the F a th er may be glorified in the Son. F o r Christ said, “I f you ask anything in my name I will do it.” Who could dare question the deity o f Christ? He alone could guarantee us, “And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in p ray er believing, ye shall receive.” Another form of wastefulness is ex penditure of words beyond the income of ideas. * * * HEAVENLY LIFE INSURANCE It has been upon our hearts to tell you about the greatest insurance policy in the world. As servants o f Christ, each o f us is an agent fo r the company. We represent the “K ing’s L ife Insur ance Company” with headquarters in Heaven. The directorate includes God the F ath er, Son, and. Holy Ghost. A. There are many reasons why you should take out a policy in this organization. 1. I t is the oldest company in exist ence. I t has never changed its policies or its management. “Jesu s Christ, the same yesterday and today and forev er.” You can fe e l sa fe in this old line com pany that does not and cannot fail. 2. This company is the strongest prm, having more capital than all oth ers combined. I t has an unlimited re serv e! Its paid-up surpluses are “The unsearchable riches o f Christ Jesu s” (Eph . 3 :8 ). 3. It has the largest number o f policy holders. Multiplied millions o f souls down the centuries have shared in its benefits. They have come from all na tions, tongues and kindreds; from every w alk o f life ; from male and f e male, Jew and Gentile. U. There are no dissatisfied policy holders. Not one, in all the 6,000 years o f the operations o f this company, has ever been displeased with its benefits. 5. It is the only company that in sures a man fo r more than he is worth. There is no lim itation! 6. All policies are stamped with the blood red seal o f Christs’ atoning death and are non-transferable. B. The provisions o f this policy are * * *
United First Presbyterian Bremerton, Washington
MAY 11th
First Baptist Church Salem, Oregon First Baptist Church Medford, Oregon
MAY 12th
MAY 14th
Central Baptist Sacramento, California First Baptist San Francisco, California Neighborhood Church Oakland, California
A.M. 3:00 P.M. 7:00 p.m.
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