Biola Broadcaster - 1967-05

God. “Because Christ also suffered fo r us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps” ( I Pet. 2 :21 ). * * * The easiest thing to find is fault, and the hardest thing to keep is still. * * * W A IT IN G TOO LONG B iola’s first dean, Dr. R. A. Torrey, used to tell about an interesting ex­ perience he had while conducting m eet­ ings in Brighton, England. One o f the staff members slipped out fo r a few moments b efore the evening service to get a bite o f food. A fter he had ordered, he began wondering about the man who had waited on him. The feeling came as a strong impression that he should speak to him about his soul. I t seemed so odd, however, that he tried to put the id ea out o f his mind. H e tried to think about other things. A fter paying his bill, he stepped outside, intending to return to the meeting. Again, a strong feelin g that he was shirking a responsibility swept over him. He knew he had to go back and sp eak to the w aiter, no m atter how strange it m ight seem. The p roprietor approached him as he returned unth a very strange, sad look on his fa ce. H e said, “I don’t understand it ; he w as one o f my best men. Without telling anyone o f his unhappiness, the man who waited on you slipped out to the alley and shot h im self!” That opportunity to speak fo r the Lord, like so many we our­ selves pass by each day, was fo rev er too late. To a neighbor, a friend, busi­ ness associates, even a casual acquaint­ ance, you are the only Christian some­ body knows. T reat every encounter as though it m ight be your only and last with the individual. B e ready always to give an answ er to every man . . . a reason o f the hope that is in you . . . fo r “ye are living epistles.” * * * Faith is not so much believing that God can, but rather knowing that God will! * * * REVIVAL OF THE SOUL In this secular, commercial, affluent society in which we live, it is difficult, yet vital, fo r us to be rid o f all world­ ly-mindedness. This is not something we do once and then fo rg et it, but that which must be practiced daily. 23

ARE YOU A PROPHET? Sunday school teachers know what interesting comments their pupils can make. One asked her class “What is a prophet?” A fter some few moments o f silence, one little fellow announced, “I think it’s a man who gets to know what God’s thinking.” That’s quite an appropriate definition. The B ible in ­ form s us that there is the g ift o f prophecy. This word means not only means “foretelling," or explaining what is going to happen, but also “forth - telling,” or revealing to others the truths contained in Scripture. * * * Don't be like Lot who chose grass but rather be like Abraham who chose grace. * * * MEETING M A N 'S NEED Our m ail rev eals a large number o f women listeners whose husbands do not know the L ord Jesu s Christ as their Saviour. In a certain home, a man constantly refu sed the Gospel, declar­ ing it made no sense to him. A fter his fam ily had left fo r church on a cold wintry day he headed fo r the warm th o f the living room fire. H e was star­ tled to find a group o f birds flying again st the window, evidently trying to get inside fo r protection from the bitter cold. Sensing their plight, he re­ called the w eather-protected g arag e which would be better fo r the poor, freezing creatures. Opening the door, he turned on the lights. The birds wouldn’t go n ear the refug e, so he got some bread crumbs to entice them. To his dismay, they still wouldn’t come near. He even tried to scare them in by waving his arm s but this only caused them to scatter in every direc­ tion. H e realized that the poor, winged creatures were terrified o f him. He thought, “I f only I w ere one o f them fo r a few moments, then I could ex­ plain to them my love and concern.” At that instance, something caused him to realize that this was exactly God’s position, when H e sent H is Son, in human form to bring word o f His love and mercy. In order to communicate with H is creatures, He became incar­ nate in the flesh . This was the only possible way. P erhaps you have been like this man, not realizing the tre­ mendous act o f grace as the L ord came into this world to reconcile man to

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