Then there is that insidious sin o f pride. As a good test, sometime write down the instances in which this has unknowingly, or even adm ittedly, crept into our lives. It’s not always so easy to detect. P eter rightly suggests that we be clothed in humility. This is the over-all covering fo r our lives. It will even hide envy. Do you know o f any one more talented or more u sefu l than yourself? Does it bother you to h ear them praised? Wouldn’t it be more sat isfying to listen to an account o f their fau lts and failu res? There is also the attitude o f criticism or censoriousness. It m ight be profitable to list the times when you have spoken o f another Christian in a manner devoid o f love and charity. Then there is robbing God. Quickly we become defensive in this matter. Y et so often we really waste our time, not only precious moments
which could be devoted to reaching the lost, but also times we should spend in closer fellow ship and communion with the Lord. Next, there is bad temper. E v er exploded at the wrong time? We need to confess these sins to God, m ak ing right any sins again st our brothers. Has your spiritual life grown cold? Do you long fo r that blessedness that comes from dwelling in the secret place o f the Most High? As Hosea uniquely expressed it under the leading o f the Holy Spirit, “B rea k up your fallow ground.” * * * Prayer is not conquering God's reluc tance but rather laying hold of His will ingness. * * * God would have no furnaces if there were not gold to separate from the dross. * * *
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