since what the money is used fo r is questionable. I have read so much about some o f the men whom this money supports. I f I am wrong in not wanting to give to help pay these men, please tell me. I believe accord ing to I I John 10 and 11.” A. This is a wonderful passage of Scripture which we would commend for further study. We are in deep sympathy with this individual in op position to giving the Lord’s money to support any apostate religious leader. Biola, of course, has no affilia tion whatsoever with the National Council of Churches. We are dia metrically opposed to this religious system and hierarchy as well as to the so-called ecumenical movement. If Christians would withhold their support of such practices, they could soon bring their modernistic, liberal- istic heretical views into closer scru tiny. Do not give to help pay these ungodly men.
family if your manner of life is as it should be (I Pet. 3:1-7.) Do not offend them by insisting that every one has to give in to your particular desires, even though they are worthy. As you listen, you can pray for your unsaved family. Q . Fairmont, Calif. — “Were little chil dren in Old Testament time, outside the covenant, saved? Will you also comment on ‘stillborn’ or ‘premature’ in regard to Psalm 58:8. As a moth er who has lost a little one, I have been concerned about the situation.” A. There are few sorrows which touch the human heart more deeply than this. In reference to those “out side the covenant,” this has refer ence to those of Gentile parentage. Yet remember children who were descendants from Abraham were not saved by virtue of that heredity. Our Lord made that very very clear in John 8. Salvation has always been made possible through faith in God’s Word. To be sure there was a great deal of blessing and privilege con nected with being children of Is rael’s covenant. We believe there is ample Scriptural ground to state that any children who have not reached the so-called “age of accountability” where they can discern the way of salvation are covered by the sov ereign grace of God. On the matter of stillborn or pre mature children, they would certain ly come under the same category as other infants and little children. They have never had a chance to re spond to any kind of impulses in this life in the physical realm. The Bible says that the angels of little ones “do always behold the face of our Father who is in heaven.” Q. Glendale, Calif. — “7 belong to a Bible-believing church which is a f filiated with a denomination having an alliance with the National Coun cil o f Churches. My convictions are not to give through the convention
More than three hundred young people at tended the special Los Angeles County Chris tian Endeavor Day held recently on the Biola Campus. Pictured above from left to right are Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola president, Mr. Lyle Jacobson, (standing) president of the Stu dent Body, and Mr. John Bogosian, who headed up the project for CE. The school always wel comes visitors. Tours can readily be arranged.
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