Biola Broadcaster - 1967-05

There is still the offense of the cross that divides men. When I was in Chicago as a medi­ cal student, I was on the Board of Charities. My district was the sec­ tion around the stockyards. There were numerous calls that came in for help medically and I would go to the family in need. It was quite re­ vealing to see that they wanted the medicine, but when I offered the Gospel, they had no interest in Jesus Christ whatsoever. You see, they want the kindness that goes with Christianity but don’t want the Sav­ iour Himself. They wanted us to be good to them but they didn’t want the One who makes men good. How true it is that men would like God to be good to them but they don’t want Him to get too personal! These people have a contempt and hatred for the Gospel. This is a picture of the human heart. Christ sends a sword, bringing trouble between fa­ ther and son. Look at the story in the Bible of the prodigal. A man wants to escape punishment but he doesn’t necessarily want to live with

H ave you ever thought of the fact that the Lord brings trou­ ble? He is the one who sends a sword (Matt. 10:34). It sounds like a paradox that when He is the Prince of Peace He should also bring trouble. While His mission of re­ demption brings peace to troubled hearts, yet it also upsets people, for the Lord Jesus makes a tremendous division wherever He goes. In John 6:66 we see a split among people. They had questioned Christ’s sov­ ereignty and His right to rule. As a result, some of them left Him. It has always been true of man that he re­ bels at anyone’s authority over him. For this reason Christ was crucified. In John 7 :43 we find another divi­ sion among the people. This time it is about Christ’s deity: whether He was God or not. It is the same today. There are numerous people who will agree that Jesus Christ was a good man but they do not be­ lieve that He is God. In John 9:16 there is division be­ cause of His power. Some accused Him of working miracles because He was in league with the devil. What a terrible thing to ascribe to Christ] Such blasphemy the world has never seen. In John 10:19 there is a division ueoause of what Christ said. Did He nave a right to make such state­ ments or was He a fraud? Could He enforce that about which He spoke with such authority? There was a division among the people. It has always been true with the human race, and it certainly is so today, that people want goodness but no God. Charity organizations abound everywhere wanting to help people’s physical needs with no thought for their never-dying souls.

Mrs. Louis T. Talbot (right), wife of Biola's chancellor and former missionary to India, has the opportunity of talking with one of this year's foreign students on the Biola Campus. Coming from India, his name is Ephraim P. SuderRao. As the picture reveals, there is always a happy smile on his face.

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