Biola Broadcaster - 1967-05

COLOSSIANS 1:28 - 2:13

by Lloyd T . Anderson

his Colossian readers. He strove on their behalf (1 :29 ), and agonized over them. (Conflict in 2:1 means agony). 7. —Christian friends were the object of his yearnings—2 :2 Paul brooded lovingly over those dear friends — that they might be comforted in anxiety and peril, that they might present a united front to the enemy, and that they might fully understand and appreciate the mystery of the Godhead which he was explaining to them. 8. —Christ is the answer—2:3 In Christ alone — not in any

1. —He always exalted Christ—1 :28 His answer to philosophical vaga­ ries as well as to all other needs of sinful men was ever the person and reconciling ministry of his Saviour. He presented the gospel plainly, per­ sistently, positively. But he did not stop there. 2. —He gave a warning to every man —1:28 Dire consequences ensue when one rejects Christ. It is not enough lov­ ingly to plead with men to receive the Lord. They must be explicitly told what happens to them if they persist in their hardness of heart. They must be informed that the wrath of God impends (Rom. 1:18 ), the judgments of God are sure (Rom. 2 :2 ), the lake that bumeth with fire, the dreadful “second death” (Rev. 2 0 :14) awaits those whose hearts re­ main cold and rebellious. 3. —Spiritual wisdom was taught— 1:28 His wisdom was not the philo­ sophical gymnastics of man, but the pure wisdom of the Spirit of God. Note the reiteration of the words every man. Gentiles as well as Jews were candidates for the reception of Paul’s message. 4. —He had a goal in truth communi­ cation— 1 :28 : that he might lead men to Christ, get them truly saved and thus perfect, completely accepta­ ble to God. 5. —God gave him power to tell the news—1 :29 Paul was profoundly aware that his ministry was not undertaken through his own unaided human strength. It was the Spirit of God working mightily through His dedi­ cated servant. 6. —Paul had great empathy—2:1-3 The heart of the apostle beat with tender affection and deep concern for

Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson (left), pastor of the Bethany Baptist Church of West Covina, and the Bible teacher on Biola broadcasts for Tuesday and Thursday, looks over a program with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola presi­ dent. Dr. Anderson's church regularly sponsors the annual Torrey Memorial Bible Conference. Visitors to Southern California will find a warm and cordial welcome awaiting them In Christian fellowship and the things of God’s Word at the Bethany Baptist Church of West Covina.


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