saved. They can’t pull together. One has to give up, and it’s very seldom that the unsaved person gives up to the saint. The Lord tells us that th o se who are heavenly-minded should not be united to those who are earthly-minded. One is going up and the other is going down. One wants to talk with God and the other hates God. One wants to live for the Lord and the other doesn’t. Do you see this division that comes in? I won’t marry an unsaved person to a Christian. Through the years I have been marrying people I have never done it, for too many trage dies result. Division comes in almost immediately unless the other person finds Christ. Yes, in such instances, Christ brings trouble. I f you want to have peace, beloved, go to the Prince of Peace, trust that lovely Saviour, and keep company with those who belong to Him so that you will want to pray and live for God, serving Him faithfully until Christ comes again. * * * L O S IN G T H E V I S IO N Despite h er overwhelming success and public acclaim , the fam ed singer Jenny Lind turned aside from her en chanted audiences. When she aban doned the stage, no one could under stand it. Granted the privilege o f a special interview , a rep orter asked the question which the world wanted an swered, “Why?” When he reach ed her home, he found her sitting on the fron t porch with the B ible in h er lap. I t was n ear the end o f the day and the sun was ju st setting. H er touching re sponse was, “Why have I given it all up? Because I found I was losing my taste fo r that which is even more im portant, this B ook and the eternal truths o f which it speaks.” What a penetrating testimony! The B ible teUs us to put on the new man which is re newed in knowledge a fte r the image o f Him that created him. May the fo rcefu l exhortation be pressed close to each o f our hearts today to set our affections on things above, not on things on the earth. 4
the One who made deliverance pos sible. It is this way with so many who want the forgiveness of God, so that He will blot out their sins and put away their guilt, taking them to heaven eventually but as far as want ing to walk with the Lord who ac complishes all of this, that is a dif ferent matter. Universally, men want to be good and lovely without the Saviour. They want to be right eous and upright if it doesn’t cost too much. Bringing in Christ is where the trouble begins. There are three battles going on constantly. The flesh is against the spirit, the devil is against Christ, and the world is against the Father. Look at your own life and you will find it’s so. Consider the marriage of a believer with an unbeliever. What a tragedy! A Christian is joined up with a dead person. The Bible says, “Thou shalt not link an ox and an ass together.” The ox represents the Christian, the ass represents the un-
Mr. Roger Booth, manager of radio station KBBW, Bioia's full time San Diego radio voice, is pictured above as he interviews per sonalities for one of the daily Gospel programs.
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