ously declares, “My mind is made up already. Don’t confuse me with the facts.” Some people just aren’t in terested in hearing about the truths of God’s Word. Verse 8 tells us, “The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.” Here we find statutes sym bolizing the divine directions God has given for obedience or correc tion. The Lord presents man with the straight road to follow and as we do so, we find true contentment and satisfaction in it rather than as a result of mere outward circum stances. Now, let’s pause a moment, looking back to see our progress. We have wisdom, followed by joy. But we still need guidance and direction which is promised to those who have fel lowship with the Lord and meditate in these truths. The last part of Psalm 19:8 assures us, “The com mandment of the Lord is pure, en lightening the eyes.” These divine decrees righteously made by God are truly authoritarian. Revelation is like pure water, when we can see our own reflection in it. Have you been having trouble seeing the pathway properly? The Scripture is like an oculist, or an eye surgeon, who is able to remove cataracts that we may behold God in all of His fullness. As we continue on in verse 9 we are reminded, “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever.” The word fe a r often suggests something mysterious, dangerous and forebod ing. But the meaning here is some thing altogether different and really beautiful. It has nothing to do with being afraid, but represents rever ential trust. It is the settled habit of the informed soul resting in God. That it’s clean shows that there’s no pollution in it which means it can not decay. There’s no insidious bac teria to cause any corruption. Be cause it is of the Lord, it endures forever. What do you know of this quality? With governments of the world shaken, how consoling it is to
know that God remains the same, yesterday, today and forever. Verse 9 concludes with the state ment that the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. The term judgments here has refer ence to judicial decisions, or decrees of Jehovah. They are true, never false, but always faithful. In other words, they “square up” with each other. All parts of the Word of God support each other, fitting together perfectly. This is what we mean by the plenary inspiration of Scripture. JEHOVAH-RAPHA Exodus 15:26 He bore the Cross, endured the stripes For my body and soul, He suffered ill that agony That I might be made whole. How could I turn on such a love, Its priceless healing touch; For no one else coul.d I reject The Christ I love so much. The Sanctifier of my life The Giver of my peace. The One who brings joy out of gloom And from my pain release. I praise His Name for all He means To me upon my way, To be His humble servant here I most earnestly pray. I want to follow where He leads, Lay my own plans aside, To trust His judgment for my life To let Him be my Guide. My Saviour, Pilot, Healer, Friend, M y hand in His I place, In perfect trust from now until I see Him face to face! Verse 10 of Psalm 19 reminds us to remember, for we seem so quick to forget the fact, that they are more to be desired than gold. While we all may agree with this in principle, just how interested are we in the study of God’s Word? We’re living in an age when money has become our god and sex its high priest. Here, the Psalmist says, is where the real treasures are to be found, even in a materialistic, secular, af fluent society. The Word of God is 8
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