Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — July 14 - 27, 2017 — 15C
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Annual Commercial Brokerage Directory
Deadline: July 15, 2017
This issue will print as a pull-out section listing Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Firms that are in the Mid Atlantic area. This exlusive brokerage opportunity is an excellent way to reach 30,000 Commercial Real Estate Professionals, Owners, Developers, and Tenants. Call to reserve editorial space or expert article on the current commercial market (office, retail, industrial). To recieve your FREE LISTING , complete and fax the coupon below. Please have an advertising representative contact me about special issues Please include me in the free listing Check here if you would like a special listing – $50 single block - double block $100 (includes logo and border) Company Name: Address: City: State/Zip: Telephone/Fax: Email: Commercial Brokers: MAREJ’s ANNUAL COMMERCIAL BROKERAGE DIRECTORY
Linda Christman Owner/Publisher Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal Phone: 781-740-2900x207 Fax: 781-740-2929 Email: 350 Lincoln Street, Suite 1105, Hingham, MA 02043
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