E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


Recommendation 7: Amend the Redevelopment Pilot Project to include residential or majority residential developments in the University area. Having an appropriate zoning code to engender compact urban development is irrelevant if the economic conditions do not spur redevelopment. While redevelopment opportunities are plentiful along the corridor, the University Redevelopment Area Market Analysis concluded that limited demand exists for increased office and retail development, uses that would be included in T-5 and some T-4 developments. 1 Developer incentives would help increase redevelopment demand and could create catalyzing projects to move the corridor out of its current direction. The E. 131 st Avenue project corridor is within one of the four Redevelopment Pilot Project areas identified in the Hillsborough County Florida Redevelopment Incentives for Pilot Project Areas published in August 2016. The main objective of the program is to encourage private investment that will encourage the retention, attraction or creation of businesses and jobs. Currently, most components of the program are only open to commercial or industrial projects. The only portion of the program that could be used for residential development is the catalyst project incentive program, which is for mixed-use projects. 2 While the current program could be used for potential future developments in the T-5 zoning section, a residential project in the T-4 zoning section, a 1 WTL+Associates for Hillsborough County Economic Development, “Market Analysis, University Redevelopment Area, Hillsborough County, FL” 2 Hillsborough County Economic Development Department, “Hillsborough County, Florida Redevelopment Incentives for Pilot Project Areas,” (August 2016)

more likely catalyst project with a smaller scale and smaller risk, would not qualify. The provision of appropriate market-rate and affordable housing in the E. 131 st Avenue corridor would support the goals stated in the document as it would provide workforce housing for the new or enlarged businesses generated by the initiative. This would be even more important in face of future plans for medical research facilities and other white-collar employment development planned for the University Mall redevelopment site. In addition, the Site Permitting and Fee Assistance program would help developers encountering Form-Based Code for the first time. Recommendation 8: Establish a shared stormwater detention system where developers can purchase credits to offset increased impervious surface on redeveloped lots. The stormwater detention facility should contain an artificial wetland and all areas should be accessible as a park or recreation area. InseveralplacesalongtheE.131 st Avenuecorridor, stormwater facilities interrupt the existing urban fabric, including at prominent locations such as the intersection of E. 131 st Avenue and N. 22 nd Street. These facilities are often fenced vacant areas that can require frequent maintenance and attract trash and other discarded items. In addition, providing on-site stormwater treatment also reduces the amount of developable land in each parcel, reducing the return on investment for redevelopment projects. There are many Hillsborough County-owned parcels within a half-mile of the E. 131 st Avenue corridor, some of



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