E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


E. Downtown Section Recommendations Recommendation 1C: Create a

ineffective in shaping development into a compact urban environment on two fronts. Since the zoning district was created in mid-2005, only one private parcel experienced redevelopment which occurred in a portion of the UCA-NHO district north of Fletcher Avenue, outside of the study area. The fact that only one property has redeveloped suggests that the regulations of this district are not encouraging redevelopment, and in fact may be inhibiting redevelopment. In addition, the specific codes of these zones would not fully develop compact urban development. The current zoning codes still allow for excessive setbacks and surface parking lots that front side- streets, both of which contribute to a connected suburban environment. The existing UCA-NHO and UCA-MS zoning designations in the central portions of the E. 131 st Avenue corridor best fit the traditional zoning district with design guidelines type. This zoning regulation creates a worst of both worlds situation where equal focus on use and form makes development harder, an issue that switching to form-based code would address. It is recommended that the T-5 zoning category include a minimum setback of 10 feet and a maximum setback of 15 feet with a mandatory build-out of 75 percent of the lot frontage. In addition, it is recommended to have a maximum lot coverage of 100 percent. Currently the UCA- NHO and UCA-MS design standards mandate a minimum height standard of two stories along 22 nd Street. This height minimum will be maintained in the new T-5 designation and extended to E. 131 st Avenue as well. These regulations will create more density and a more unified façade line along the street, giving these sections of E. 131 st Avenue and N. 22 nd Street a more compact urban form.

neighborhood center between the V.A. Hospital and the University Mall site via T-5 designation along portions of E. 131 st Avenue and N. 22 nd Street. The limits of the recommended T-5 zone include E. 131 st Avenue from west of the intersection with N. 22 nd Street to the V.A. Hospital and N. 22 nd Street from the University Mall Site to north of the intersection with E. 131 st Avenue. The Downtown section of E. 131 st Avenue is represented by orange in Figure 3-10 . This designation will create a concentration of activity and density and create a more distinct neighborhood identity. This configuration allows existing pedestrian activity concentrated at the V.A. Hospital site to move along E. 131 st Avenue supported by ground-floor commercial establishments and a more complete urban fabric. In addition, the intersection of E. 131 st Avenue and N. 22 nd Street was identified as a node of activity and therefore should be the focus of denser development. Finally, as the University Mall site redevelops into a more traditional neighborhood development form, there is an opportunity to compliment that form and extend increased pedestrian activity into the neighborhood by including T-5 development along N. 22 nd Street. Much of this area is under the existing UCA- NHO and UCA-MS zoning designations. These designations are a combination of Form-Based Code elements with elements of traditional Euclidean Zoning. This combination has been



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