E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


F. V.A. Hospital Section Recommendations

Recommendation 3D: Provide 10-foot sidewalks with four-foot parkways where possible on the eastern section of E. 131 st Avenue (Livingston Avenue to Bruce B Downs Boulevard). The typical section in this portion of the roadway is varied and heavily influenced by the intersection with Bruce B Downs Boulevard. The only changes to the existing typical section involve the construction of 10-foot sidewalks with a four foot buffer for street trees between Livingston Avenue and the V.A. Hospital mid- block crossing. From the mid-block crossing to Bruce B Downs Boulevard the sidewalk would be adjacent to the roadway. This typical section will not necessitatemoving the security fence in front of the V.A. Hospital. A graphical representation of the typical section, along with improvements proposed in Recommendation 17 can be seen in Figure 3-13.

Most of the parcels in this section of the project corridor are owned by the V.A. Hospital and are used for hospital services and parking. Future expansion of the hospital may include parcels to the north of E. 131 st Avenue. Given the special nature of the land use in this section, changes to the future land use designations or zoning codes are not recommended at this time. The V.A. Section is represented in light blue in Figure 3-12 . Recommendation 17: Create a marked crossing on E. 131 st Street at N. 28 th Street. Pedestrian counts along E. 131 st Avenue revealed that pedestrian activity is higher on the eastern end of the corridor, closer to the V.A. Hospital. In fact, the second and third highest crossing locations for pedestrians along E. 131 st Avenue were Livingston Avenue and N. 27 th Street, both is close proxility to the E. 131 st Avenue/N. 28 th Street intersection. Although this location is currentlymarkedwith a yellow sign indicating the presence of a crosswalk, no crosswalk currently exists at the intersection. A review of Google Streetview images shows that a crosswalk was removed between 2008 and 2011. Given that the high amount of pedestrian activity along the corridor is only expected to grow with increased development in the T-5 and T-4 zones, a marked crossing with curb ramps, truncated half domes and a high-visibility crosswalk is warranted.



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