E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


Given the plans, market potential, and current conditions, the Corridor enhancement should be considered as a complete street through four distinct districts. 1. The Robbins Section on the west is a large, functioning industrial site with limited short-term redevelopment potential. The recommended street cross section for this area is designed to support the existing industrial land uses but still be of adequate width to be converted to a main street in support the long-term redevelopment potential of the surrounding properties. The cross section does not include on-street parking and has separated bike lanes. 2. The Neighborhood Section has the potential to redevelop with additional market rate housing. The street through this section is recommended to support the residential and neighborhood commercial uses associated with a more urban residential character. It includes on-street parking and design speeds that allow cyclists and motorists to share lanes. 3. Expanded employment on the University Mall and Veterans Hospital sites along with additional population can help provide demand to create the Downtown Section of E. 131 st Avenue. The cross section becomes more commercial in this area, with 13-foot sidewalks, on-street parking, continued shared bicycle and vehicular lanes and a 10- foot semi-public space that can be used for street level retail and dining activity. 4. The V.A. Hospital Section on the west end of the corridor creates a pedestrian intensive, campus-like atmosphere. The cross section for this district includes 10-foot wide

sidewalks to support high levels of pedestrian activity, marked crossings at all intersections, and a 22-foot median with a pedestrian refuge island at the main entrance to the V.A. Hospital. This study recommends a complete street with pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the entire length. A pedestrian oriented street, however, should not be considered as a linear feature. It is an amenity that threads together the unique districts it passes through. Accordingly, this study also recommends the following: 1. That the pedestrian and bicycle network parallel to and adjacent to the road be completed in conjunctionwith improvements to E. 131 st Avenue. Key streets recommended for improvements include N. 19 th Street, N. 20 th Street, and E. 132 nd Avenue between N. 22 nd Street and Bruce B Downs Boulevard. This network of improvements will better connect the community to the growing employment opportunities in the area. 2. The form of development anticipated by the various plans for the area is difficult to achieve if sites cannot be fully utilized. Shared stormwater facilities are therefore recommended to allow for better site utilization. 3. Utilization of shared stormwater facilities as linear park space to help complete the pedestrian and bicycle network envisioned in the University Area Community Plan. To help ensure that the capital investment works in conjunction with the evolution of the land uses in the area, the following regulatory changes are proposed:



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