E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

Appendix VI: Roadway and Traffic Characteristics

Contents Appendix VI: Roadway and Traffic Characteristics ....................................................................................... 1

A. Typical Section and Roadway Geometry .......................................................................................... 1

B. Future Plans ...................................................................................................................................... 5

C. Bull Runner........................................................................................................................................ 5

D. Traffic Volumes and Characteristics ................................................................................................. 7

E. Access Management ......................................................................................................................... 7

F. Crash Statistic Information ............................................................................................................... 8

K. Streetlight Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 12

L. Turning Movement and Pedestrian Counts .................................................................................... 26

M. Traffic Calculations.......................................................................................................................... 47

N. Crash Data ....................................................................................................................................... 59

A. Typical Section and Roadway Geometry

The E. 131 st Avenue corridor is a two-lane undivided east/west facility. According to data produced by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Transportation Statistics Office, E. 131 st Avenue is classified as an urban minor collector throughout the project limits. The posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour (mph) from N. Nebraska Avenue on the west to east of Livingston Avenue, where the speed limit is then reduced to 25 mph. The existing Right-of-Way (ROW) width for E. 131 st Avenue varies from approximately 45 to 89 feet, with ROW generally narrower on the western end of the corridor, and wider around the intersection with Bruce B Downs Boulevard. Figure V I-1 graphically depicts the existing ROW and typical sections along the corridor. The typical section varies throughout the corridor. From the intersection with N. Nebraska Avenue to Livingston Avenue, the roadway has a rural typical section with two 12-foot travel lanes, except for segments of the road around the intersections with N. 15 th Street and N. 22 nd Street. Rural typical section differs from urban typical section mostly in terms of the presence of curbs and type of stormwater facilities. Urban typical sections generally have curbs and enclosed stormwater facilities, and rural typical sections generally lack curbs and have open stormwater facilities. Shoulder widths throughout the rural typical section segments vary from no shoulders west of the railway to one/two- foot shoulders between the railway and N. 15 th Street, and four-foot shoulders throughout the rest of the rural typical sections. There are no designated bicycle facilities along the rural typical section segments, and sidewalks are not

E. 131 st Avenue PLAT Appendix V I


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