E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

B. Future Plans When examining the current state of the roadway, it is also important to note any future plans involving the study area. An examination of local plans identified the following projects: • 2018/19-2022/23 Hillsborough County Transportation Improvement Program: Complete streets project including turn-lane improvements, and bicycle, pedestrian and bus improvements, programmed for nearly $17 million between 2019 and 2022. • Imagine 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan for Hillsborough County: Expand E. 131 st Avenue from a 2-lane undivided roadway to a 4-lane divided roadway, and a potential complete streets project corridor. • Adopted Hillsborough County Capital Improvement Plan 16-21: completed projects including an advanced traffic management system improvement program in FY 12, intersection improvements at Bruce B Downs Boulevard in FY 09, and stormwater projects completed in FY 97, but no future projects. Recommended Hillsborough County Capital Improvement Plan FY 18-23: $16.9 million dollars between FY 19 and FY 22 for turn lane improvements, intersection improvements and enhanced pedestrian, bicycle, and bus facilities. C. Bull Runner the Bull Runner, a transportation system operated by USF both on and off-campus mainly for students, faculty, and staff, provides access to the E. 131st Avenue corridor via Route D. This route runs from the campus to the University Mall, the UATC and residential areas along N. 22nd Street. For a Bull Runner Route D map and more information about the service, please see Figure VI -3 .

E. 131 st Avenue PLAT Appendix V I


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