E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

K. Streetlight Data Analysis

In order to understand travel patterns around the project corridor, the analysis included consulting Big Data resources. The Big Data resources used included the geospatial data created from use of mobile, GPS, LBS devises, or connected vehicles as they ping cell towers or satellites and create location points. This data has been packaged as an analytic tool ( Streetlight Insight ®) for use with planning studies. Streetlight Insight aggregates data sources to better understand the flows and relative volumes of traffic. Instead of producing a count like an AADT figure, Streetlight will produce an index score which will allow an analysis of relative volumes across time periods or geographies. This analysis is better used for understanding the origin, destination, and general distribution of trips, and which connections see the highest relative volumes. The analysis is also helpful in viewing how people use the E. 131 st Avenue corridor, including the breakdown of local trips versus regional trips. For this analysis, 15 zones and 20 gates were created. The zones can be seen in Figure V I-11 . The zones extended to the county boundary, farther away from E. 131 st Avenue to better capture the nuances of traffic closer to the study area. In addition, the zone containing E. 131 st Avenue was created around the property lines of parcels that directly abut E. 131 st Avenue, thus focusing on traffic using the corridor to access proximate uses. The gates were placed along E. Avenue at Bruce B Downs and N. Nebraska Avenue to capture traffic traveling along the corridor. In addition, gates were placed on roads leading into the E. 131 st corridor, both north and south of E. 131 st Avenue. These roads included N. Nebraska Avenue, N. 15 th Street, N. 22 nd Street and Bruce B Downs Boulevard.

E. 131 st Avenue PLAT Appendix V I


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