E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study

Of the traffic headed northbound on N. Nebraska Avenue at peak hour, 84 percent continues north towards the intersection with E. Fletcher Avenue, while 10 percent turns right onto E. 131 st Avenue. Of the traffic turning onto E. 131 st Avenue, only 31 percent has a destination in the 131 st zone, while 30 percent is heading to the zone directly north of E. 131 st Avenue. This indicates possible problems with the intersection with E. Fletcher Avenue such as the lack of a right turn lane, or significant congestion along that corridor. In addition, 9 percent of the traffic on E. 131 st Avenue is heading to the zone directly south of E. 131 st Avenue, effectively making a U-turn. This might indicate a lack of connectivity or congestion problems in the neighborhood road grid to the south of E. 131 st Avenue. See Figures V I-18 and V I-19 for more details. Traffic moving along N. 15 th and N. 22 nd Streets were also analyzed, however relative volumes are much smaller when compared to traffic coming off of Bruce B Downs Boulevard and N. Nebraska Avenue, and graphics have not been created. Overall, traffic distributions from these sources are fairly even and do not indicate major sources of cut-through traffic.

E. 131 st Avenue PLAT Appendix V I


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