E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


II. Land Use Regulations

designation is intended to allow broad, general concept plans that permit limited flexibility to accommodate land use changes in response to market changes. All development applications greater than two acres that are located in a Mixed-Use Comprehensive Plan Category are required to be rezoned to a PD, PD-S or a mixed- use standard zoning district. Figure 2-3 provides the current zoning for properties within the study area. Per Part 3.01.00 of the LDC, creation of Special Public Interest Districts is permitted in or adjacent to areas where the character prompts special and specific public interest in preservation or promotion. The project corridor contains properties that are currently zoned as Special Public Interest – University Community (SPI- UC). As shown previously in Figure 2-3 , these sites occur within the eastern portion of the study area, concentrated near Bruce B Downs Boulevard and E. Fletcher Avenue. The University Community District was created to recognize, preserve, and enhance the unique contributions that the University of South Florida makes to many aspects of the county, state, and nation, and provide an appropriate setting, supportive of the university functions. The SPI-UC regulations pertain to accessory uses, excluding the use of secondary structures, and limiting the number of entrances, size of signs, and percent of floor area to be allocated to the accessory use. For specific regulations, please refer to Appendix II.

Zoning The Hillsborough County Land Development Code (LDC) provides the legislative framework for proposed development within unincorporated Hillsborough County. The codes establish regulations for land development in the form of land use restrictions, bulk and density limits, and design standards, which are in accordance with the Future of Hillsborough Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Plan). Zoning is the process in which the local government designates certain areas of land for permitted uses such as commercial, planned development, residential, and manufacturing. It canbeusedtofocus landdevelopmentplanningto support the comprehensive vision of a particular municipality, neighborhood, community or district. Unincorporated Hillsborough County has two types of zoning districts: Standard Zoning Districts and Planned Development. The standard residential land use categories along the project corridor generally have an allowable maximum density of 6 dwelling units per acre to 20 dwelling units per acre. The other standard zoning districts have a maximum allowable floor area ratio of .20 for some commercial uses to a high of .75 for manufacturing uses. While the majority of land within the project study area is represented by Standard Zoning Districts such as residential, commercial, and manufacturing, there are Planned Development Zoning Districts scattered throughout. Planned Development Districts are intended to be used when unified, large scale, mixed-use developments are proposed in areas lacking a predominant urban/suburban development pattern. The PD



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