E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


The UCA regulations categorize streets in the zoning districts into Main Streets (which include N. 22 nd Street and E. 131 st Avenue, and Neighborhood Streets, which include all other streets. UCA MS permits General Commercial (CG) and Conventional Multi-Family Residential with a density of 20 dwelling units per acre (RMC-20) but prohibits single family detached and two-family attached dwellings. UCA NHO permits Professional Office Businesses (BPO) and RMC-20, with CG uses allowed on parcels with Main Street frontage. These allowed uses govern the area, height, bulk, and placement requirements to an extent, but can be further altered in the relevant portions of the code. While all regulations for Main Streets are applicable and pertinent to the PLAT study, some may have more relevance than others. For example, parking minimums are lower than other parts of the county as the minimum parking requirements for non-residential uses is the maximum allowed. Non-residential parking requirements may be reduced by 50 percent. As a Main Street, off-street parking lots for buildings along E. 131 st Avenue must be behind the façade of the Main Street frontage building. Except for vehicle entrances, the ground floor must be developed with enclosed commercial, office, or civic floor space at a minimum building depth of 30 feet along the entire building. Trash and recycling receptacles, loading docks, service areas, and other similar areas must be located in parking areas or locations that are not visible from Main Streets or Neighborhood Streets. Service areas shall be screened by a masonry wall and landscape buffer. Along a designated Main Street, such as E. 131 st Avenue, the building must be oriented towards the street, with the entrance also facing the street and visibly prominent.

Design Standards Area, height, bulk, and placement requirements are provided for the standard districts in 6.01.01 of the LDC. For residential land uses, all categories have a required setback of 20 or 25 feet, a height restriction of 35 feet, with 40 feet allowed for the more dense uses, and a maximum building coverage of 35 percent to 40 percent. Non-residential districts such as office, commercial, and manufacturing have a required setback of 30 feet, height restrictions of 50 feet, except for neighborhood commercial which has a maximum of 35 feet and manufacturing which has a maximum of 110 feet. Maximum building coverages for the non-residential districts also vary widely from 20 percent to 27 percent for most office and commercial uses to 75 percent for manufacturing and intensive commercial uses. In addition to conventional zoning categories, the E. 131 st Avenue corridor also contains two groups of special zoning categories, The Special Public Interest University Community Districts (SPI UC), and University Community Area Development Regulations (UCA). Both groups of zoning categories occur on the eastern portion of the corridor between N. 20 th Street and Bruce B Downs Boulevard. The two groups of designations focus on different parts of zoning regulation contents. The SPI UC designation, further broken down into SPI UC 1, 2, and 3, sets accessory use requirements and is governed by Part 3.01.04 of the land development codes. The UCA Development Regulations, broken down into the Main Street District (UCA MS) or the Neighborhood Office District (UCA NHO), is governed by Part 3.13 of the land development code and sets specific guidelines for development designbeyond the standarddesign requirements.



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