E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


View of redevelopment taking place at the University Mall site


Residential permits along the E. 131 st Avenue corridor included a new structure permit for an 80 unit apartment complex (recently constructed) at the intersection of E. 131 st Avenue and N. 15 th Street. In addition, there were a number of residential permits scattered between N. 15 th Street and N. 22 nd Street that were mostly demolition permits. A cluster of commercial building permits is present near the western end of E. 131 st Avenue: these included one demolition permit and two new structure permits connected to the Robbins Manufacturing properties; a new structure for the Family Dollar at the intersection of E. 131 st Avenue and N. Nebraska Avenue; and a demolition permit for DMI Nebraska, LLC further to the west. Two additional permits were also issued to Robbins Manufacturing for building demolition. The first of the institutional permits was for renovations to the fire station, and the second was for interior renovations at the Heritage Manor Assisted Living Facility.

New Building Permits A review of available new building permit data was conducted. Figure 2-5 shows the current building permits located within 1,500 feet of the project corridor. Most of these permits represented projects that have already been completed, but the data provides insight to the general direction of development in the area. The building permits were broken down by type and valuation. The types of permits generally followed existing patterns of development in concert with existing land uses, with commercial permits consistent with the higher valuation properties such as those found along E. Fletcher Avenue, N. Nebraska Avenue and Bruce B Downs Boulevard. Residential permits trended toward lower valuation along nearby streets with lower traffic volumes. Only two public, quasi-public, or institutional permits were identified, and were located along the E. 131 st Avenue Corridor.


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