E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


trips beginning or ending in the 131 st Avenue zone and about 4 percent of the trips using the eastern end of E. 131 st Avenue have an origin or destination in the USF Zone. At specific time periods the connection is stronger. For example 8.9 percent of trips using the eastern end of E. 131 st Street, and 5.4 percent of trips originating in the 131 st Avenue Zone at 9am to 10am are ending in the USF Zone. The final part of the analysis examined regional and local traffic by focusing on the intersections at both ends of the project corridor. The analysis of traffic entering E. 131 st Avenue as a northbound to westbound left turning movement from Bruce B. Downs Boulevard showed that 33 percent of this traffic had a destination in the zone directly to the north, while only 28 percent stayed within the 131 st Avenue Zone. This points to possible improvements needed at the intersection at Bruce B Downs Boulevard and E. Fletcher Avenue or traffic seeking easier access to commercial establishments on E. Fletcher Avenue such as the Wal-Mart. On the opposite end of the corridor, 9 percent of the traffic entering E. 131 st Avenue as a northbound to eastbound right turning movement from N. Nebraska Avenue has a destination in the zone directly south of E. 131 st Avenue, effectively making a U-turn. This might indicate a lack of connectivity in the neighborhood street grid to the south of E. 131 st Avenue. For detailed descriptions of the analysis, please see Appendix IV.

Results TheStreetlightanalysisshowsastrongconnection between trips using E. 131 st Avenue and origins and destinations along the corridor. The east end of the corridor has a higher relative volume of trips than the west end, with nearly double the number of trips at the busiest times. The east end also has a more uniform peaking period with the 3pm to 4pm representing the highest volumes of a typical weekday. Trips using the west end of E. 131 st Avenue also have a stronger connection to origins and destinations along the corridor, with 61.9 percent and 49.4 percent of eastbound and westbound trips respectively beginning or ending along the corridor. The west end of the corridor generally sees lower volumes at the peak hour withmore directionality. For the western end of the corridor, 7am-8am represents the peak hour for eastbound trips and 4pm-5pm represents the peak hour for westbound trips. There is also a weaker connection between trips using the western end of the corridor and origins and destinations along the corridor, with 38.1 percent of eastbound trips and 40.1 percent of westbound trips respectively beginning or ending along the corridor. Of all daily trips using E. 131 st Avenue, around 50 percent have an origin or destination in the E. 131 st Avenue TAZ, a higher percentage than any other zone. There are also strong connections to the zone directly north of the project (called the Fletcher Avenue Zone), the Carrollwood Zone, and the USF Zone. The connection to the Fletcher Avenue Zone is strong on both ends of the corridor with 8 percent to 15 percent peak hour trips beginning or ending in that zone. The connection to the Carrollwood Zone is also strong, especially at the west end of the corridor. About 2 percent of average weekday



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