E. 131st Avenue PLAT Study


A typical E. 131 st Avenue streetscape with lower-density multi-family residential and walls and fences facing the roadway


B. Overall Recommendations This section explores land use and transportation recommendations that apply to all or most of the corridor through general or specific policy changes and infrastructure improvements. Recommendation 1: Change zoning regulations in the E. 131 st Avenue corridor and area to a form-based code. Conventional or “Euclidean” zoning seeks to regulate land development based on land use, density, bulk, and setbacks. This type of regulation generally creates an envelope within which a structure of a certain land use type can be built, as in Figure 3-2 . Conventional zoning regulations can be further augmented with design guidelines such as required architectural details, landscaping requirements and other similar elements. These regulations create further architectural elements that decorate the building created in a traditional

zoning code, the effects of which are illustrated in Figure 3-3 . Form-Based Code utilizes the Urban Transect, a method of dividing land use into zones based on the intensity and character of a neighborhood, which is illustrated in Figure 3-5 . The urban transect categories rage from T-1 to T-6 with T-1 being natural areas and T-6 being the urban core. By using the Urban Transect designation, Form-Based Code regulates based on the physical form of development rather than the use. While a traditional zoning district may have a front yard setback, a minimum distance from the street a building can be constructed, form-based code will often also have a maximum setback, creating a series of buildings that all front the street in a similar manor. By focusing on the relationship between building façades and the street instead of the land use and density, a Form-Based Code creates a more cohesive development style and could create a traditional compact urban environment. An illustration of development under a form-based code can be seen in Figure 3-4 .


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