Pancake Peeps - Sawubona

Mary Grabowski President of Sawubona Director of Pancake Peeps


Recent University of San Diego Alumni, Mary is a full time teacher in Chula Vista, Ca. Her heart for those the Bible identifies as "the least of these" stems from the influence of her mom and dad. Her vision is to create a space where all people feel known and have the freedom to become their truest self.

Gabriela Grabowski Treasurer of Sawubona Director of KINDNESS 

The driving force behind the passion of both Mary and Joanna. Growing up in a community where people worked to survive rather than thrive, Gabriela always dreamed of being successful in order to help others. As she established herself in all her business endeavors, she never forgot about the society she came from. The structure of the way Sawubona raises money has come largely from events Gabriela has created throughout her daughter's lives. Sawubona is a manifestation of the lessons and passions Gabriela shared with her daughters.

Joanna Grabowski Vice President of Sawubona Director of Rebecca's Chance

Interested in more information?  Contact us! (619) 985-3011

Joanna is a current USD senior in pursuit of a teaching degree with her concentration in Literature. She just returned to the United States after working in Greece as a relief worker for Syrian refugees, homeless, and human trafficking victims. Her passion to share God's love and joy with every child and person being marginalized in the world is the motivation behind everything she does.

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