Using American Community Survey to Understand Your Community

S T E P 2 : S EL E C T TH E D A T A T A B L E .

Because we selected a topic, the data portal will show us a listing of table, map, and page results that fall within the SNAP/Food Stamps category. To find the information on the characteristics of SNAP recipients in our county of interest, we must next filter t he results. We will do so by first clicking on the “filter” option shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27: Accessing the advanced result filtering option.

Our next step will be to select an appropriate table. ACS subject tables can quickly offer us a summary of information across multiple factors like family size and poverty or work status when looking for a resident group’s social and demographic characteristics. You may recall that we used detailed tables in case study 1; detailed tables are well-suited for exploring geographic areas and display information for one indicator (or one variable) such as age or employment status. As opposed to detailed tables, subject tables show information about a collection of statistics on a topic. They are thus more helpful in understanding a broad issue or substantive (rather than geographic) area. Even if you do not use the advanced filtering feature to look only for subject tables, you can recognize them by the p refix “S.” Here, let’s access the subject tables using the filter as shown in Figure 28. We select the “Survey” filter on the left - side pane and look for “ACS 5- Year Estimates Subject Tables” on the right side. When we are done with our selection, we can c ollapse this panel.


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