Using American Community Survey to Understand Your Community

4. My Congressional Distr ict

My Congressional District uses American Community Survey and County Business Patterns data to provide tables of selected population, workforce, housing, education, business, and other statistics for every U.S. state by congressional district. The tool allows you to search for a district by ZIP code, filter by state and district, select your topic of interest, and view tables of estimates and margins of error. The tool also supports data export and sharing.


5. My Tr ibal Area

My Tribal Area uses American Community Survey data to provide tables of selected population, employment, housing, education, and economic indicators for Tribal Areas. The tool allows you to search for a Tribal Area by name or state, select a topic, and view the associated tables with estimates and margins of error. It also provides a glossary of terms and the option to export your data.


6. Census Flows Mapper

The Census Flows Mapper tool displays American Community Survey data related to migration. You can use it to view the number of movers to and from abroad, a different state, or a different county within the same state for any selected U.S. county.



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