Using American Community Survey to Understand Your Community


ACS Compar ison Prof i les

ACS Comparison Profiles are profiles of geographic areas over multiple years. They can provide a quick overview of how a location has changed over time. Profiles compare data within demographic, social, economic, and housing categories. An ACS Comparison

Profile table identifier begins with the prefix “CP.” The product label will al so include “ACS Estimates Comparison Profiles .” One example of a Comparison Profile table is the “Comparative Social Characteristics in The United States” Table (Table CP02), which includes an overview of the relationship status, childhood education attainment, and living characteristics of all U.S. households across multiple years.

ACS Detai led Tables

ACS Detailed Tables are tables of data that provide the most detailed information for a given ACS survey question, as well as cross-tabulations of survey question data for multiple geographies. Detailed Table identifiers start with the prefix “B” or “C,” and the product label of a detailed table will

include “ACS Estimates Detailed Table.” One example of an ACS Detailed Table is the “Sex by Age” Table (Table B01001) , which provides a cross-tabulation of sex (male and female) and age groups (under five years, five to nine years, ten to fourteen years, and so on) across multiple years and for geographies including state, county, census tract, and census block group.


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