Algebra 2 Companion Book, Volume 2

6.1.2 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials Key Objectives • Add polynomials horizontally. • Write polynomial expressions for perimeter.

• Find the opposite of polynomials. • Subtract polynomials horizontally. • Write polynomial expressions for profit. • Evaluate polynomial expressions. Formulas • Perimeter of a Rectangle P = 2 L + 2 w , where L and w are the length and width of the rectangle, respectively. • Profit Formula P = R − C , where R is revenue and C is cost. Operations can be performed on polynomials, just as they can be performed on numbers. Example 1 Adding Polynomials Horizontally To add polynomials, combine like terms. Recall that like terms are two or more terms with the same variable raised to the same power. In Example 1, Prof. Burger adds polynomials by applying the Associative Property (to remove the parentheses) and then combining like terms.


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