
items at the forefront of their minds. In fact, the house is designed around them, according to Chuck. “When the house was built, we knew we wanted cubbies,” he says, pointing to one next to the guest room on the second floor. A metal pedal cart sits there, a grinning, cherubic-faced doll sitting at the wheel. “We asked for them, and shelves, too, because Michelle likes to decorate so much.” Some of the house’s décor changes depending on the season, or just what items have caught Michelle’s eye lately. As a place whose look changes and evolves constantly, Michelle says there are still big proj- ects lined up for the future, including reorganizing her home’s base- ment, which she describes as “a mess with all the shelves of antiques!” “We want to make the front porch bigger,” she says. “We’ve talked about that, and have debated painting our (kitchen) cabinets white

Bottom left: More planters intermingle with a variety of items in the Myers’ living room. Bottom right: The first piece of furniture to greet visitors to the Myers’ home is this bookcase, atop which sits just a couple of the many clocks to be found in Michelle’s collection of timepieces. Middle right: White is a dominant color in the Myers’ living room, and most of the living room’s decorations hearken back to life on a rustic farmstead. T op right: Not every- thing in Michelle’s home is vintage. This blanket given to her by a former student has a cozy place in her dining room. Top left: In addition to the natural light to be found in the Myers’ living room, candles sprinkled throughout the house add an extra bit of warmth to every room.


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