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Vintage by Astrological Sign

to make a business out of selling and exchanging vintage work of value. Libra, as their symbol the scales suggest, balances the old with the new. Typically, these reasonable (and sensitive) folk will want a vintage piece to fit in with their modern décor. They are likely to shop for an antique for a mate or close friend even before they do it for themselves. Also, they can be interested in vinyl instead of digital music. Aquarius, as the sign most attuned to the future, has a quirky relationship to the past and history of humanity. Vintage items can be the 1950’s kitchen item that sits next to a micro- wave oven. Or they are likely to research the value of the vintage item (particularly when it comes from another culture) and that causes them to buy or trade for it. Cancer is a sign of tradition and vintage products — from food, to the hospitality industry, movies, to anything that could have a sentimental value. These emotive people must make sure they do not hoard, purchasing more than they can rea- sonably use or store. Let them be the first ones to choose items in a family’s estate, it matters more to them to receive those inherited personal items. Scorpio will tend to want to refurbish vintage products. Usually, they are better at hiding their sentimental side but, nonetheless, it is there. The vintage piece needs a story (particularly if it’s being sold for proceeds from a divorce). They are not afraid of digging in the dirt for the goods of the dead — individuals or culture. They are at- tracted to a vintage item spooky and provocative. Pisces loves to mix with different time dimensions. Their draw to vintage can include collecting autobiographies, religious artifacts, old movies and cameras. They may still have a black and white TV or a 8mmmovie projector — often anything that has to do with music, instruments and vinyl. These are whimsical souls going wherever their imagination takes them; often miraculously draw a vintage item of immense value to them, if not the world. ^ Quan Tracy Cherry is a Metaphysician, finding channels in astrology, numerology and tarot. Quan is available for private readings and consultations. Find him at or on Facebook.

by Quan Tracy Cherry Is your sign yang/masculine or yin/feminine? T he yang signs are extroverted, given to ac- tion in the present. When you possess more planets in the yang elements of fire and air, your motivation behind vintage centers on the future and the do it yourself refurbishing. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius heat us up, engaging us through their enthusiasms. While the air signs of Gemini, Libra

reading about objects that hold historical and cul- ture significance magnetize these often-blunt folk. In their duality, they want to see the historical piece in how it can inspire themselves and those in their communities for a better future. Also, they will scour their family’s estate for heirlooms, no matter what their monetary value, particularly if there a scandalous story attached to it. The fire signs seek the possibilities through their visionary natures; it is the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn that usually bring these visions into the physical world. Taurus seeks and knows value. So any vintage itemwill have worth on an open market. Patient and persevering souls will wait out others and will save up the funds to purchase the items that they desire. Into adorning themselves, jewelry can be an Achilles heel when it comes to antiques or vintage products. Whatever the antique, it will be personal, a bit sentimental, yet, rarely cheap. Virgo has an exacting eye of what vintage stuff will be useful and what is not. They are less likely to go for the pretty bauble unless it can be used to make their lives more efficient. Clothes, car parts and even a toaster oven may be considered. Like Scorpio and Aquarius, they will want to recycle old items. Capricorn is for the traditional and family stories of vintage products. As an earth sign of status and ambition, any vintage itemwill need to offer increased prestige and authority. Collecting things that project or symbolize power from the past can be like catnip to the sea goat. Gemini, as the twins that they are, will often be of two minds about vintage pieces. They have an innate curiosity that gets them to investigate the vintage items, but they may not have the fol- low through to finish refurbishing it. Objects of communication, rotary phones, and video or cas- sette tapes anything unusual that incites humor can attract them. However, these souls are likely

and Aquarius are the cool reasonable people. The yin signs are introverted, given to intro- spection, security and usually concerned about the past (or more aware of how the past creates the present). The yin elements are earth and water. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn ground us. While the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces soothe our anxiety and impatience souls. If you have a number of planets in a yin sign, you would be naturally attuned to conserve items from the past. Aries individuals can be the trendsetters in working with vintage items. Personal, passionate and different, they will make the old new again. If these plucky people are avid garage sale hunters, they will be desire to remake for practical use for the 21st century, probably something they can restore all by themselves. Then, they want to tell us the story of how they transformed the vintage piece. They will collect what they want in a quick and expedient manner, only to not like it as much once they get it home. The fixed fire sign of Leo will have a more methodical approach. They will want to know the history, the story behind the items. Their vintage pieces must become showpieces that season their home with the narrative (espe- cially if a celebrity or royalty is attached to it). They may not do the work of refurbishing a table or chair, but they will research to hire only the best to do the work for them. Sagittarius, being a dualistic and mutable fire sign of wisdom and travel, they will often want vintage experiences. Going to ancient ruins and


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