Sri Chaitanya Cultural World Heritage Center Brochure

Temple Worship


Local organic agriculture, cottage and small-scale industries provide the basic needs of the resident community with environmentally sustainable and healthy products enabling and promoting a self-sustainable economy. Srila Prabhupada said, “We are producing our own food, our own cloth, own milk, and we are chanting Hare Krishna. This is the simplest life.”

The Deities of the Lord are gorgeously worshiped with exemplary love and devotion, and glorified through vibrant festivals. Srila Prabhupada said, “Now you make Mayapur into a gorgeous palace for Radha and Krishna, and I shall come there immediately and sit down there permanently to stay by them.”

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu not only stressed devotion of the heart, but also living in harmony with the God and nature, thus underlining the importance of sustainable development.

Inspired by the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ campaign, ‘Mayapur Foundation’ produces and promotes cow-based medicines and products. Other cottage industries include the production of snacks, cloth, mridangas, karatalas...

Srila Prabhupada said, “Mayapur is where I worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead.” Here the devotees worship the Supreme Lord in such a magnificent style that the whole world is attracted to Mayapur Dham.

‘Mayapur TV’ broadcasts daily darshan, classes and festivals online as well as via local cable television.

An Artisans enclave will showcase local artisans at work and be a point of sale for their traditional products.

Arati at the proposed Temple Ghat on the Jalangi river.

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