Sri Chaitanya Cultural World Heritage Center Brochure

The highest level of spiritual and practical education is imparted through a variety of Vedic-inspired facilities at all levels from early childhood to adult education. This will enable people of all ages, genders, nationalities and socio-economic status to be trained in devotional service, develop exemplary character, and acquire the practical skills required to live a productive and spiritually centered life. Education

TOVP and Vedic Science

The Temple of the Vedic Planetarium (TOVP) demonstrates the Vedic alternative to modern atheistic science and cosmology. A variety of scientific presentations on spiritual life display the harmony of science and spirituality, transcending all sectarian boundaries, thus inspiring all who visit to engage in the eternal service of Lord Chaitanya. Sri Nityananda Prabhu said to Srila Jiva Goswami, “One exceedingly wonderful temple (adbhuta-mandira) will appear from which Gauranga’s eternal service will be preached everywhere.”

The TOVP will have one of the largest domes of any religious structure in the world. Srila Prabhupada said, “We shall show the Vedic conception of planetary system within this material world and above the material world.”

This temple is being created with the goal to spread Vedic culture and knowledge throughout the world through a materialised, scientific and authoritative platform built on the lines of Vedic knowledge.

Bhaktivedanta Academy provides education for boys and adult students on the principles of the Vedic Gurukula system.

Bhaktivedanta National School is affiliated to CBSE & NIOS, providing subsidized education for local children.

Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir, the Temple of Vedic Planetarium

Mayapur University aims to create a world class research center for Gaudiya Vaishnava Studies and establish Mayapur as the center of education and learning.

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