The cows and bulls are kept happy, protected, worshiped and fully engaged, setting a standard for cow protection all over the world. Srila Prabhupada said, “The bull is the emblem of the moral principle (dharma), and the cow is the representative of the earth.” Cow Protection
Food (Prasadam) Distribution
Abundant, pure and delicious prasadam is distributed daily without discrimination to all. Srila Prabhupada said, “We do not discriminate that ‘He is needy...’ Everyone is needy. So actually, everyone is in need of spiritual understanding. So by distributing food, the spiritual food, simply by eating, he will be in Krishna consciousness, even if he does not do anything. But actually, we are inviting persons to come, sit down, chant with us Hare Krishna mantra and take prasadam and go home. That’s all. This is our program.”
The cows perform a very important service in providing milk for the Temple Deities. The bulls are engaged in ploughing and transporting visitors around the campus in bullock carts.
Daily distribution of free prasadam to pilgrims without discrimination. Srila Prabhupada said, “No one within a ten-mile radius of any temple should go hungry.”
Srila Prabhupada said, “In our Mayapur they are distributing prasadam. Perhaps it is for the first time that Hindus and Muslims are taking prasadam in the one line.” This was a prominent feature of ISKCON Mayapur prasadam distribution during COVID-19.
ISKCON’s goshala at Mayapur Dham is a happy home for more than three hundred cows, bulls and calves. They are provided with nutritious food, clean water, medical care and lifetime accommodation in a natural and peaceful atmosphere.
Proposed Bhaktivedanta Anna-Dan Complex, free prasadam distribution center.
Prabhupada Avenue – The new east entrance for visitors will lead to Srila Prabhupada Samadhi.
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