“ Bankrupt" It is not uncommon to learn that well known personalities have died bankrupt. On January 13,1864, Stephen Fos ter died in New York City. Hospital authorities declared that all his worldly goods amounted to $.35 and a slip of paper on which was writ ten, “Dear friends and gentle hearts.” To die financially bankrupt, is one thing—but to have wealth and yet be spiritually bankrupt is an even greater tragedy. The Bible says, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” One word, proclaimed by the death angel, aptly describes such a person . . . “FOOL.” But here is the secret . . . “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his right eousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” "A Product of Conscience" The White House has a collec tion of letters which are quite inter esting, but none is more heart- searching than this one which came from a child and was written in September 1895. “To His Majesty, President Cleve land, Dear President: I am in a dreadful state of mind and I thought I would write and tell you all. About two years ago, I used two postage stamps on letters that had been used before. My mind is con stantly turning on that subject, I think of it night and day. Now, dear President, will you please forgive me and I promise you 1 will never do it again. Enclosed
find cost of three stamps and please forgive me for I was then but eight years old and I’m heartily sorry for what I have done. From one of your subjects.” If a child asks of a President the mercy of his forgiveness for having taken items from the government in this form, how much more should we feel our urgent need to go to God and ask for His continued pa tience in our robbing Him — we who have received so much! The Lord says: “And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee . . .” "The Book Most Popular" Each week the New York Daily News has paid $25.00 for the best question submitted by a reader for some individual to answer. Here is one which received the award — it was addressed to Ralph A. Beals, Director of the New York Public Library. The question: “What is the most popular book in all the New York Libraries?” The answer. “To select the one book most constantly in demand from the millions of books used in the New York Public Library and its 70 branches is riot as difficult a task as it might seem. The one perennial best seller which retains its follow ing from generation to generation is the Bible. Morning, afternoon, and evening, until the main reading room closes at 10:00 p.m., there is always a group immersed in various translations and editions in our col lection of the Holy Scriptures.” Yes, the Word of God stands sure forever. It, alone, is able to make one wise unto salvation.
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