Dr. Samuel H. Suther land, president of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., points out some of the new developments on Biota’s La Mirada Campus to two graduates of the school, Mr. Robert Broyles and Miss Mar garet Kraft, More than 1,000 students are ex pected to attend the four schools of the organi zation this year.
Dr. Sutherland points out campus features.
A t the left, Mr. Paul Mickelson, president of Supreme Records, selects a recording of the Scottish Junior Singers for the Biola radio programs with the help of Mr. Thomas Sheffrey, engineer for the broadcasts. The selection which featured during August was ■ “Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord.” Below are Dr. Daniel Rose, director of the Jewish Department (left), and Mr. Eugene Poole, Biola field representative during a recent outdoor program on the Biola La Mirada Campus. Through the bene volence of Mr. Rose, the beautiful and important Memorial Library has been constructed in his name. He is soon to celebrate his 93rd birthday. Dr. Daniel Rose (left) and Mr. Eugene Poole
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