Biola Broadcaster - 1961-08


A l Scwd&ri.

faces one of the most imposing, overwhelming, a n d

T o d a y , A m e r i c a

ica faces a sex revolution, the destruc­ tive seeds of which have already been insidiously planted and the fruits of

widespread revolutions in its history, or for that matter the history of any lead­ ing culture now in the tomb of anti­ quity. It is not a revolution between races, nor a revolution of the working classes, nor is it a revolution of politi­ cal powers; it is much more terrifying and devasting than this. Today, Amer* r '** i« * which are already being garnered. This abundant harvest of filth and degradation could well mean the com­ plete collapse of the free society which we have known in our land for the past one hundred and eighty-five years; or, (continuad on noxt pago)

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