A l Scwd&ri.
faces one of the most imposing, overwhelming, a n d
T o d a y , A m e r i c a
ica faces a sex revolution, the destruc tive seeds of which have already been insidiously planted and the fruits of
widespread revolutions in its history, or for that matter the history of any lead ing culture now in the tomb of anti quity. It is not a revolution between races, nor a revolution of the working classes, nor is it a revolution of politi cal powers; it is much more terrifying and devasting than this. Today, Amer* r '** i« * which are already being garnered. This abundant harvest of filth and degradation could well mean the com plete collapse of the free society which we have known in our land for the past one hundred and eighty-five years; or, (continuad on noxt pago)
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