lines far above the knee. Indignant parents gathered together to take a vote on the action. Seven hundred peo ple attended. (Just try to get that many out to stand for something really im portant.) 650 of them rose to their feet in objection to the action of the school officials. “We will set the stand ards of dress for our children, not the school administrators, or the school board,” went the declaration. How such action should cause us to hang our heads in shame! And what of the teaching that our young people re ceive? An out-spoken legislator has de clared, “Our children are now being taught from texts which state that prostitutes render a real service to our culture, giving a young man practical training toward sexual maturity.” Here in the West, recently, school offi cials reinstated a high school teacher who had asked his students^ both boys and girls, a number of personal ques tions with reference to their sex life and habits. There were one or two voices of protest, but by and large the reinstatement came with the sanction of adults. Sociologist Pitirim Sorokin has stated that these are some of the things that cause the downfall of our society as it concerns young people: “The growth of pornography to a five billion dollar a year business. Fifty million pieces of filth and obscene advertising mailed to teenagers annually. Growth of non- virgin clubs on high school campuses. Increase in homosexualism, and treat ing it in a growing sense, as to be toler ated. Increasing trends of rape-kidnap pings among teenagers.” Suffice it to say that most of today’s best selling books are based on sex, academy award motion pictures are about sex, top forty songs deal with suggestive lyrics, in fact on a human level every avenue of life is being run and controlled in a Satanic sex attack. The church tries to strike out, telling of the Lord Jesus’ words concerning even an evil thought. Then top heavy motion picture stars are glamorized, and
have become better known than the patriots of past decades. When will Americans wake up? When will Chris tians take an active stand? When will this nation return to her knees. What will it take, complete moral, spiritual political bankruptcy and upheaval? Ten years ago, if anyone should have said to me, and you know this for yourself, "America stands ready for a great and grave disaster,” I would have said, “You’re nothing but a crepe hanger.” Yet, today, our leaders know the facts, and we who stand on the sidelines real ize with a fear in the heart for our beloved land, that there is real cause for concern. Yet, we do nothing about it. Woodrow Wilson once said, “I would a great deal rather lose in a cause that I know will someday tri umph, than triumph in a cause I know will someday lose.” He was right. For most of us, we are afraid that people will think we are out of place, old fashioned. God helping us, that’s not going to be true with these programs. I am sure you realize, the trouble is in our land, we are so intent on saving our own skins that we are in danger of losing our souls. Our nation no longer seems shocked at the many exposés. Our conscience is being hardened. The Scriptures warn us constantly and we turn a deaf ear to them. “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Before we can change this nation’s course from corruption, we must change the lives of individuals. It is as clearly given as in the long ago, the words of Almighty God, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Chris tians, let us not be a part of this system. Let us follow the Bible’s exhortation, and be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 25
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