a master. He included it, unidenti fied, with fifty other paintings in a fashionable art sale. The anony mous painting was valued at $10,000. The special price put on it however, was $24.00 The rich experimentor agreed that if it were sold for that price that he would pay the owner the dif ference. For two weeks several thou sand people visited the exhibit. Not a single person offered to buy the however, was $24.00. But you know, what is even more amazing is that millions are missing the greatest opportunity of their lives by not recognizing the Lord Jesus Christ, the fairest of ten thou sand. The Bible sa\rs that He came unto His own and they did not even recognize Him — they refused Him. They lost the opportunity, to find salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. But thank God, to as many as receive Him to them He gives the power to become the sons of God. * * * "Worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do, but you never get anywhere in it." * * * "Father Are You There?" A little' child lay in the dark; The room was strange, he saw no where; He was afraid— but then he called, "Father, are you there?" He felt a hand, so strong and warm, Close clasping his; then calm and clear He heard his father's tender voice: "Yes, sonny, I am here." Like that small child we sometimes feel , That we are in the dark of care; In terror of some harm we call, "0 , Father, are You there?" So, though we tremble in the dark In need of strength and help and cheer, We have a tender Father's word, "Fear not, for I am here."
"Anyone can make a mountain out of a mole hill; all that you have to do is add a little dirt." * * * "Our Pastor" Who is it comes when we are ill, With cheerful word and right good will. And lingers gently then to pray And soothes our cares and fears away? OUR PASTOR Who is it comes when sorrow falls. And death of friends our soul appalls, And tells us of the mansions fair And that sweet home just over there? OUR PASTOR Who is it shares our happiest hours, When life is crowded with wedding flowers, And to the scenes lends added grace With reverent voice and kindly face? OUR PASTOR Who is it on the worship day Points to heaven and leads the way, And brings a message from the Word 'Till our hearts within are stirred? OUR PASTOR For whom, then, should we daily pray, And ask for him God's grace always, And intercede for him to win, Souls in darkness and steeped in sin? OUR PASTOR * * * "Hem in theday with prayer and it will belesslikelyto unravel be fore nightfall." * * * "Do You Know Your Lord?" Are you skilled enough in the field of art to know the real from an imitation? Evidently, from a re cent experiment on the fashionable Riviera in France, most people fall short. A wealthy playboy borrowed an unsigned landscape, painted by
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