by Dr. William Ward Ayer And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man.” Now the unique calling and power of Paul’s Christian life begins on the Damascus road at midday when a light more brilliant than that of the Syrian sun shone round about him. Paul lost his sight and found his Lord! A most unusual conversion! Many years ago in a religious confer ence in Illinois, a certain University professor attempted to explain Paul’s Damascus road experience as a sort of delusion that came to him. The pro fessor declared that the Apostle had suffered a sunstroke while traveling and only imagined that he had seen Jesus. This vision transformed the per secutor into a zealous A p o s t l e , so claimed the professor. An elderly minister, hearing the ex planation arose and suggested that the professor hurry back to his University in Chicago and get the faculty out in the sun that they, too, might share the blessed sunstroke of the Apostle Paul. I believe that the Apostle had sun stroke, but rather Son stroke. He met Christ on the road to Damascus. When some claim to have had Paul’s experience in conversion today, they must be reminded that our risen and glorified Lord does not appear to sin- 6
SUM P so m a n avenues in their supremacy flow out^fem his conversion — which was the flBkiediate work of our Lord — but, at tSjfinoment, it is the supremacy of Paul HBiis conversion which I now wish to SHsent for your thinking. For oifjjHuitial look into the sublime work of Hm Lord with Paul, let us turn to the iBBh chapter of the Book of Acts. TnMrerses given here are to re fresh yoflBnnd for clarity of our study to g e th e r» “And S a u l , yet breathing out threatBBkigs and. slaughter against the dSg iles of the Lord, went unto the h o n e s t . AncSBkesired of him letters to DamaUms to the synagogues, that if he fom flj any of this way, whether they mKk men or women, he might bring H m bound unto Jerusalem. And ai "he journeyed, he came near DarruqKs: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: AnM B fell to the earth, and heard a voice toying unto him, Saul, Saul, why j^mecutest thou me? Aru ttt? said, Who art thou, Lord? And f l Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to k i^ ^ a in s t the pricks.
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