What does the Expression Wear the Art / Be the Movement™ mean? Well, let me tell you. Paul Klee, a famous Bauhaus artist, once said that art doesn’t just reproduce what we see - it makes us see. Art has the power to transform us, to evoke emotions and imagination. And now, with technology and modern manufac- t u r i n g
processes, artists can reach more people than ever before. They can make their art accessible while still keeping its unique and transformative power. “Wear the Art / Be the Move- ment™” is all about taking art beyond decoration. It’s about in- spiring people and transforming their lives through chromaticfusion. It’s a
fusion of science and the humanities - color, printing, com- puting, and modern manufacturing meet nature, art history, fashion, and community. This is a movement that aims to make art accessible, scalable, and transformative. It’s about inspiring imagination and won- derment. So go ahead - wear the art and be part of the move- ment!
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