Shoosty Bugs Volume 2, 2022

Artist: Shoosty® Year: 2023 Medium: Duplex Printed Ink /18mm Silk

Twill Size:

50” x 50”

A hand-drawn vector graphic styled in the 1500s England. A beetle wearing pan- taloons with stripes, like a Shakespeare character, integrated with an Art Nouveau vine in the shape of a window. The bug symbolizes nature and culture, while the window symbolizes the connection be- tween the inner and outer worlds. Insects have been used as metaphors and symbols in literature and art for centuries. In Shakespeare’s plays, insects often ap- pear as agents of mischief, corruption, or transformation. In King Lear, Lear curses his daughters with “The fangs of adders, spiders, toads.” In Othello, Lago plants the seed of jealou - sy in Othello’s mind by saying “O beware, my lord, of jealousy! / It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock / The meat it feeds on”.

Art is Changing Again. Here. Now.

Opportunities to Witness this are Rare, so Attend and Observe. - Jerry Saltz, NY Times Magazine, Art Critic


Shakespeare Beetle Dark

Wear the Art / Be the Movement™

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