Artist: Year:
2023 Medium: Duplex Printed Ink 18mm Silk Twill Size: 36” x 36” Shoosty’s Royal Goliathus Beetles are patterns designed for royalty. The Goliathus Beetle is the largest in the world (appx 5”). A scarab it was revered in ancient Egypt as a symbol of rebirth and transforma- tion. The artist filled it with modi - fied versions of the patterns creat - ed by Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin 1812-1852. The artist is exploring the rela- tionship between art, history, icons, technology, and fashion. He coined the term Chromatic-fu- sion™, fusing the science of color and printing with humanity to de- scribe it. Compare Shoosty to the famous designer Pucci, both designers use silk as a medium. They both create colorful and vibrant pat- terns that can be displayed or worn. Shoosty’s patterns are more com- plex and detailed than Pucci’s. Pucci’s patterns are more simple and more geometric. He uses ab- stract themes that create a sense of harmony and balance. When you compare the tools each of the designers uses you can quickly see how they diverge. Pucci draws with paper, pencil, and watercol- ors. Shoosty uses traditional ma- terials and all the digital tools of the 21st century. Their methods are lightyears apart.
Roy Beetle Red
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